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  1. N

    Everyone guess how much the weight will be when dry....

    Its gonna be about 2.3 oz's on the dot!!
  2. N

    Is this bug damage? HQ Pictures inside, Please help

    It's only $12 at radio shack!! It's a 60x by 100x, works just right and worth the price!! But those are spider mites on your leaves!! Take them out of the boxes and plant them in any kind of growing pot, and just see the difference!! Nice grow though, hang in there we've all been there brother...
  3. N

    Question about burping my jars!!

    Hey thanks everyone, it was all usefull!! And Ive got them on paper bags today/tonight and will check in the morning before work at 9am, and will let them go until they are crisp and ready for her jar!! Thanks again!! Happy Trails!! Gunnie
  4. N

    week 6 flowering

    Still have more time!!! Its all in the Tricmones, get you a microscope from Radio Shack and check them out!!! Happy Trails, Gunnie
  5. N

    Question about burping my jars!!

    OK Ive already hung my plants up for 5 days and took down and trimmed them up all nice and pretty! And I put them in Jars yesterday and its now been 25 hours since... and I burped them once already and plan on doing it for about a week or so or until all the moisture is out of the jars! My...
  6. N

    How much longer to KNOCK her down??

    Looks to be about 17 more days, atleast! Looks very sweet though, but you will know when to cut her! Those buds will look way different when she's ready! Just ask her, she will tell you when she's ready!! Good grow though! Best of Luck Homie! Gunnie
  7. N

    What do I do after I harvest

    Hell No Im not A Marine! Thats my first name, Gunnie!! No I was in the US ARMY with the 75 th Ranger Bat, 2nd Birg, out of Ft Stewart GA, I was a 11B, and a 18C!!But thats alright dude, I get that all the time,!!! bUT NO HOMIE THATS MY FIRST NAME, gUNNIE!! Thanks ya'll for the help, But my...
  8. N

    What do I do after I harvest

    Ok my Trichomes are in full bloom and my buds are ready to be harvested! What are the correct steps in making sure that I dry mu plants out the best and most proper way! So I can get the fullest experience from my lil girls! If I do this right I should have close to 4-5 oz's of some real good...
  9. N

    Questions about my Trichomes? Need Help??

    Thanks ya'll! Gunnie
  10. N

    Questions about my Trichomes? Need Help??

    Does anyone not know what I should do in the situation or what?
  11. N

    Pre-flower sex? Help a brother out

    AHHHHHHHHHHH get rid of that homie!! Just playing We've all been there!!Cut it before you mess everyone's up that is growing around you!!
  12. N

    Everyone guess how much the weight will be when dry....

    Man I'm gonna ahve to say somewhere in the range of 80-84g's? Give or take!
  13. N

    Questions about my Trichomes? Need Help??

    Ok, On some of my buds the Tri's are in full bloom or really close to it, and on some buds from the same plant the Tri's are just in the early phases! Anybody have any advice? And Im looking through a 60-100x microscope! And the hairs are all at an amber color all the way through the tips and...
  14. N

    Question about my Tri"s, and need help!

    Looking at my Trichomes under my scope, some of them are a real amber color and are ready and some on other buds are still in the cloudy phase maybe even just the white phase or whatever, The 1st stage! So on some buds my Tri's are ready and some buds they are not! What should I do? And I really...
  15. N

    I got the right microscope now! But need help on what to look for in the buds!!

    :wall: Ok I went out to radio shack and bout the microscope that I was told to buy, 60-100x! And when I look under the scope, what exactly am I looking for in all the hairs? I think it is ready to be cut! But I don't really know, I either cut them too early or too late! But now that I have...
  16. N

    Someone please help me out

    No the buds are actually purple!! And they are 2 different strands, but they are separated from each other, and I use all of the right fertilizers, but its just the buds that are purple, the leaves are still green and sticky as shit!!
  17. N

    Someone please help me out

    I have a 40x lens, but how do I tell that shit out? The buds are looking great, just need to know when to pull them?
  18. N

    Someone please help me out

    Im new to this web site and Ive been growing now for a couple years and some years I produce some killer buds and others I dont! What my question is, is when is the right time to pull my plants, and start drying! I have 1 plant that the buds are all purple and the hairs are almost completly...
  19. N

    5 lbs /per plant

    Can anyone one here please help me out? I can't figure out how to post my own questions, can someone please tell or show me how? I'm new to this website and I'm clueless on how to do stuff!!?
  20. N

    Hey whats up man? Im new to this site and I just seen where youve been around for a bit, And Im...

    Hey whats up man? Im new to this site and I just seen where youve been around for a bit, And Im just needing some help on how to post my own questions and all that stuff? Can you please help me out and show me the ropes? Thanks, Gunnie