Question about burping my jars!!

OK Ive already hung my plants up for 5 days and took down and trimmed them up all nice and pretty! And I put them in Jars yesterday and its now been 25 hours since... and I burped them once already and plan on doing it for about a week or so or until all the moisture is out of the jars! My question is, can I burp them more than once if my jar has moisture on the sides or should I just leave them alone and only do it once a day until it's all out of there? I can use all the help I can get! And is there anyway to make my buds be more potent? Happy trails!! :joint:

Thanks Ya'll,


Well-Known Member
burb them more often don't want them to mold. sound like they weren't dry enough for jarring yet. put em papaer bags for day and see how much moisture comes out.


OK Ive already hung my plants up for 5 days and took down and trimmed them up all nice and pretty! And I put them in Jars yesterday and its now been 25 hours since... and I burped them once already and plan on doing it for about a week or so or until all the moisture is out of the jars! My question is, can I burp them more than once if my jar has moisture on the sides or should I just leave them alone and only do it once a day until it's all out of there? I can use all the help I can get! And is there anyway to make my buds be more potent? Happy trails!! :joint:

Thanks Ya'll,
hey, first time grower here so no actual experience. But from what I've read, most recommend burping a few times a day. Wish I had more exp to give better advise but my first crop isnt done yet :evil:


Well-Known Member
if you are getting a lot of moisture build up in your jars than they were too wet still when you placed them in the jars. I would empty one of the jars out and see how wet they are on the inside of the bud. if they are more than a little moist than I would let them dry another day or two and then place back in jars. I placed mine in jars when the outside of the bud just starts to get crispy and that seemed to work good. if you open them and they are just a little damp just leave the lid off the jar for the day and close it back up at night then recheck in the morning.


Active Member
to tell if they're even dry enough for curing snap a stem if it bends instead of snaps let them hang for a lil longer

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
your weed sounds ok
every time you open the jar take them out for an hour or so
let the weed completely dry again then seal
do it like this the whole way
if you do it like this you could just open once a day just make sure you dry each time
keep in a dark place
Hey thanks everyone, it was all usefull!! And Ive got them on paper bags today/tonight and will check in the morning before work at 9am, and will let them go until they are crisp and ready for her jar!! Thanks again!! Happy Trails!! Gunnie


Active Member
If your getting moisture then u didnt let them hang long enough. Put them in a browm paper grocery bag and close it. Let them slow dry in there for a few days then put bak in your jars. Your welcome.