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  1. swish

    Flower time for Bubba Kush

    i have a buddy who chopped his down on day 62 so thats just a day shy of 9 weeks, one thing i noticed about few kush's is they show off some signs of early maturation then chill for a while then show more signs of being ripe, i have a master kush that did just what you are talking about but i...
  2. swish

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    get your-self a pocket scope from radio shaq if you can, its about 13 bucks after tax, i think "when to clip" all depends on your taste i clip when 90% of the stigmas or hairs have turned brown and look like they are dry, about the same time you should be able to see false seed pods start to...
  3. swish

    Club 600

    whats up peeps, so its ben allmost two grows ago since i last logged in but i started up again just to see if i can grow in the desert heat. I had a question: any of you guys hook up a wonderwoman ?? i got a fem pack from nirvana, she is about 6 days into forcing, only thing i can see so far is...
  4. swish

    Club 600

    whats up 600 watters, ive been out of the loop for a while but still tickin'. just wanted to show the new set up of the bubblelicious. So far these girls are at 4 and a half weeks, top chopped at 3 weeks and i did sum tie downs but will do more as they go into flower, i think thats the best time...
  5. swish

    Club 600

    you remember where u saw that study on flushing??
  6. swish

    Club 600

    DAMN !!! why do you guys do this to me ?? I dont know what the hell im gonna do now. I jus finished with week 9 and they have started to amber, not as much as i would like but they're pretty nice, I've been buggin out on wether or not i should start to fush them ... Question : if i were to just...
  7. swish

    Club 600

    hey masonman,,, this is kind've weird for me to post since i get all my advice from you, DST and jig but im currently running dwc system as well. if the roots are submerged in the mix its all good.if not then you gotta use pump with drip lines. I did notice that a good air stones makes a big...
  8. swish

    Club 600

    ok DST.... it was knid've late last night when i made the post, i'll have some pics up tonight
  9. swish

    Club 600

    i got a problem... my girls jus finished up with week 9 but one of them looks like she is almost dead. at first i thought it was jus the normal yellowing but every leaf has drooped and curled under, there are 4 in total in the same resivour so im thinking if it was a nute issue at least a few of...
  10. swish

    Club 600

    whats up my riu friends, just wanted to share some new pics.... most of these were taken at the end of week 8 and there is one with the 600 off to show how sticky they got. last night i did my final feeding of nutes, hope they turn out danky
  11. swish

    Club 600

    last night i did my water change and noticed some black slugish looking stuff..... i trimed my roots a lil, enough to get rid of moldy stuff but still got enough to be submerged in the mix. Any of you guys have this prob?? Is trimming the roots this late in the game going to hurt em ??
  12. swish

    Club 600

    cool man, thanx for the info.Any tips on when to stop feeding ? sum guys say at least 10 days but ive been pumping a lot of nutes, sum guys even stop feeding 2 to 2.5 weeks before harvest.I guess what im asking is, whats the worst that could happen if the girls are placed on a diet too soon?
  13. swish

    Club 600

    whats up folks.... im in week 7 now ( day 46 to be exact ) with these two clones and im starting to see sum yellowing going on, i remember DST going thru this same prob. should i not be concerned or let them be If any of you guys have grown white widow let me know how long you had to flower... thanx
  14. swish

    Club 600

    me my-self, i think it has sumthing to do with fools playing god and controlling the weather, before y'all call sum crazy pot head google " how to controll the weather " china did it during the last olypics, the u.s gov paid sum fool back in the late 1800's for the patent on a device that was...
  15. swish

    Club 600

    naw i dont think posting is the reason but if you are not legall, i dont think posting helps when you need to be low-key..... as long as i am within the states limilt my attitude is fuck-it, why not post and share ideas.But ,call me paranoid....... when the boys are on your heels, they will...
  16. swish

    Club 600

    these are sum pics i wanted to show you guys.... this is the 6 bulb t-5 set up.( i think each bulb is rated at 5,000 lumens ) i was going for 400 watt mh, but i figured this was close enough, plus the blue spectrum would still be present. if you live on the west coast check out...
  17. swish

    Club 600

    Hey folks, just checkin' in.There has been a shit load of raids and bust here lately, wich makes me mad. Im afraid that this is going to make things harder for us who grow legally. The more and more people hear these negative reports in the knews, the battle for pot freedom fades further away. I...
  18. swish

    Club 600

    thanks man... i gotta say the DM hasnt let me down so far. this is the 2nd grow ive used them. the first time i didnt have the additives but you can deff. tell the difference in the root system and the structure of the plant, DM really doesnt make em grow any faster than any nice regimen of...
  19. swish

    Club 600

    whats good people,? just wanted to show you guys sum new pics. this is the finish of week 4... at first i didn't see much happening but after i compared a few pics i think its all good.after sum research i now know i wont be seeing buds till week 6 or 7 but its nice to watch the hairs and...
  20. swish

    Club 600

    aww shit, you should be a writer. you just made my mouth water.....looks like bublelicious will have to wait