Club 600


these are sum pics i wanted to show you guys.... this is the 6 bulb t-5 set up.( i think each bulb is rated at 5,000 lumens ) i was going for 400 watt mh, but i figured this was close enough, plus the blue spectrum would still be present.
if you live on the west coast check out, when ever i have a decent order they come out cheaper then the local shopps.
I germed my seeds in a wet paper towel sealed in a sandwich bag. picked up a thermal body pad from wall mart to use as a heat pad and a little 32 watt t-5 to give light.
they craked open in about 24 hours, placed under the big t-5 with bulbs burning.... im just gonna feed 5.5 water the first week but this what they look like at day 5
As far as my big girls.... they sexy. real sexy, wish they would fatten up allready though, but good things cum to those who wait right ??



Well-Known Member
Man is it armegeddon? Fisrt Haiti now Chile, and there a tsunami heading fo Hawaii. Crazy stuff happening with mother nature. My heart goes out to those people in destitude. Peace bros. 1BMM:-(


Well-Known Member
ya all this stuff has got alot of people thinkin its the end of the world or genocide. i guess it could be though, im a believer of god so it could very well be but doubt it. but prayers are goin out to all those people suffering


OK swish im praying for you bud. But why do you say not to post if not legal? Are people from riu getting raided just for showing and posting?:roll:
naw i dont think posting is the reason but if you are not legall, i dont think posting helps when you need to be low-key..... as long as i am within the states limilt my attitude is fuck-it, why not post and share ideas.But ,call me paranoid....... when the boys are on your heels, they will find as much dirt on you as poosible.
I know the last cat that was busted out here and its fucked up, not only whats gonna happen to him but his family as well, the fucker just got too greedy. I think its obvious when 100's of plants are being grown indoors, in Nevada we can have 7 plants.... thats 3 in flower and 4 in veg ( who makes this shit up ) any thing more needs power, creates more smell and ect.


me my-self, i think it has sumthing to do with fools playing god and controlling the weather, before y'all call sum crazy pot head google " how to controll the weather " china did it during the last olypics, the u.s gov paid sum fool back in the late 1800's for the patent on a device that was believed to controll weather. and if that doesnt make you a believer check out the laws of war. Theres some shit about how no country can use the weather as a form of warfare.
Now... everything has a cause and an effect......if there is change in part of the world im pretty sure that has an effect on another part
Smoke a bowl and think on that shit


Well-Known Member
could be swish. but that would be very hard to control, i woud think u could only control it to a certain exstent. but either way i would think it has somthin to do with gods plan. everything happens for a reason. its crazy they put out sunami warnigs for oregon cali and the mexico coast do to the qauke also hawie


Well-Known Member
me my-self, i think it has sumthing to do with fools playing god and controlling the weather, before y'all call sum crazy pot head google " how to controll the weather " china did it during the last olypics, the u.s gov paid sum fool back in the late 1800's for the patent on a device that was believed to controll weather. and if that doesnt make you a believer check out the laws of war. Theres some shit about how no country can use the weather as a form of warfare.
Now... everything has a cause and an effect......if there is change in part of the world im pretty sure that has an effect on another part
Smoke a bowl and think on that shit
I do believe in conspiracy theories. In fact I lived on the MS gulf coast when hurricane katrina hit. My pad was fucked. Flooded completely. Some time after the storm there was a show on the history channel about how the G seeds clouds over the gulf which intensifies the tropical storms that brew into hurricanes. Im not gonna start a huge discussion on it, But i do believe that the G does shady shit. Rob peter to pay paul & with the huge sums of $$$ going supposedly toward recovery, some are getting filthy rich with schemes to divert funds. Most of those folks would be high up in the G. Makes it hard to believe anything they say. I sure dont buy any of it. Dont get me wrong i love this country and everyone in it accept the G. Ya Digg. Peace 1BMM:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Ok im having a mental dilemma. I wondering weather topping,rooting the top and forcing flower is best. Or should i just flip 12/12 to sex them and revert to veg. Im thinking it will probly take alot longer to top/clone/flower than to just flip see what they are and revert to veg. Im already suspect of 2 of them being male by the way there stretching big between internodes. Seen that before and pissin male. But the other 1 looks nice and compact short internode spacing. Damn batteries dead on the camera. I will throw up a few pics later. Any advice? :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Ok im having a mental dilemma. I wondering weather topping,rooting the top and forcing flower is best. Or should i just flip 12/12 to sex them and revert to veg. Im thinking it will probly take alot longer to top/clone/flower than to just flip see what they are and revert to veg. Im already suspect of 2 of them being male by the way there stretching big between internodes. Seen that before and pissin male. But the other 1 looks nice and compact short internode spacing. Damn batteries dead on the camera. I will throw up a few pics later. Any advice? :mrgreen:
If you need clones then top each plant, and take 2 clipings from the very bottom. That's 3 of each plant. Then put them into 12/12. Then you hope for girls. If 1 of them turns female only, at least you got 3 clones that are good to go, and you can just chuck whatever clones come form a, clone/flower originals/tkae it from bit stones so not sure if that came out correctly.:joint:D


Well-Known Member
If you need clones then top each plant, and take 2 clipings from the very bottom. That's 3 of each plant. Then put them into 12/12. Then you hope for girls. If 1 of them turns female only, at least you got 3 clones that are good to go, and you can just chuck whatever clones come form a, clone/flower originals/tkae it from bit stones so not sure if that came out correctly.:joint:D
Now theres a concept i havent pondered. Thanks D. There still to small to take 3 cuttings from. Im just restless i guess. :wall:

Hey D how is ole rog comin along?.


Well-Known Member
she's doin it tomorrow, she ended up working late on Friday on a campaign so Rog was not high on priorities, hehe.


Well-Known Member
I here ya. It was really just good for a laugh anyway no biggie no rush. Finally got some good smoke. Damn been puffing that bobby brown puhhh. Got some cheezzy cheese. mmmmm. Got to go get a puff :joint:Peace 1BMM:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Wise move bud, welcome aboard. look forward to sheing what you got there dirtnap.

:hug: From the 600.

For now, I'm growing autos, I'll be switching lighting setups next weekend, and possibly add some regular plants I have sprouting under CFLs for a couple months of veg time, so I can have bushes when I go down to 12/12 from the 20/4 cycle I run now.:hump:


Well-Known Member
wat about if i threw my 150 HPS, next to my 400 HPS?? maybe even put the 400 ballist on "SUPER LUMMENS"??:blsmoke:
Hey bro... I'm a member and the only thing I got is 600 problems. You can count the watts of the lightbulbs around the house... add them in. Should get you close. :bigjoint: