No shemp ur answer show lack of understanding these forumes. These forumes r here for answers whether u agree with the qustion or not. U should recive an infraction for telling me to smoke dog shit. I asked a queston and looking for an answer, not ur opinion. Go to oprah. I am at work rite now...
What ever guys. The hash I buy is not nearly as good as the hash I make so its obviously cut with sumthing. I can get cheep shwagy outdour for cheep but I'm not gonna buy a pound and turn it into a 1/8 of bomb hash. That's just stupid. Perhaps fresh minced leaves? If u don't have an answer...
read on here for a few mnths b4 starting up... ull be happy that u did.. trust me! a good place to strat is you tube... look for "i grow cronic" on you tube... theres a 10 part vid that goes from room set up, to popping ur seeds, to harvest...
it will not increase ur yeild.. it will increase ur yeild of good bud... instead of haveing bum fluff at the bottom of ur plant, that wieght will go to the top..
hey man, i harvested them on sunday night and they werent ready... huge ass BUSHES, but nugs were not swelled yet... 90% of the hairs were still white... looked like they had at least 2 weeks left to get the weight, 3 or more if u want full ripness... i had to pull them as many from my area were...
go to a speacialist and get diagnosed.. then google "medical marijuana (ur state)" . go through the links that pop up... eventually u will find a reseach program that will have doctors they can refer u to that or already willing to coopperate
as long as u have a strong enuff fan to vent the air out of the mylar tent, the smell wont leak threw... it will be too buzy going out ur exgausht to sit around and smell... as for the lighting issuse, if u only have 1 room, then jus use 1 ballast... u can get the conversion type so u can use...
build a tent with 1/2' pvc pipe and wrap it with black and white mylar... cheeper then the box with hinges, nails wood, ect... buy only the HPS untill u get a grow down to pay for next bulb or dont buy the MH at all.. its not nessarcy for veg.. a 1000 hps will be more then enuff... a 400w will...