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  1. vote.pad.420

    Why do some plants look great and others like this.....

    just picked up some 12" net pots....gonna put the 6" pots in them and fill in w/hydroton, hopefully this will help
  2. vote.pad.420

    Why do some plants look great and others like this.....

    can i train them at this stage? or do i need to begin that earlier? i didnt consider training cause i really didnt think they would get this big....i only vegged for like 2 weeks or so. if they are root bound what do i need to do....remove the root ball and transplant into a bigger container...
  3. vote.pad.420

    Why do some plants look great and others like this.....

    i'll check the pH tomorrow but everytime i have checked it its been around 5.6-5.8....i only flood for 15 min at a using new earth custom nutes (a local hydro shop brand) custom bloom 3-12-6 and bloom builder 2-15-4. my ppm is around 1400 or so. not sure how well it shows in the...
  4. vote.pad.420

    Good 2 Grow. Supa's First Time Growin'

    been a while since i last updated...but here are the latest pics. i have since gotten rid of 9 males and am left with 8 beautiful girls. they are 30 days into flowering in these pics. some of the tops are lookin a bit crunchy and others are looking great. so far i think things are going...
  5. vote.pad.420

    Why do some plants look great and others like this.....

    lol....yeah kinda forgot about those :bigjoint: there they are tho
  6. vote.pad.420

    Why do some plants look great and others like this.....

    the 1st pic is one of the ones im concerned about, the 2nd one is the plant directly under the light (which makes me rule out light/heat) pic 103 is the bottom part of the crunchy lookin top, which makes me think its not nutes. pic 100 is another trouble get the idea
  7. vote.pad.420

    Why do some plants look great and others like this.....

    i have 8 plants under a 600W HPS in a 4'X4' tray in a E&F setup. they are currently in day 30 of flowering, and are fed 5X daily (to keep up with higher temps in the room 84-90F). the plants were started in 1.5" RW cubes then placed in 6" netpots w/ hydroton. it seems that some of the plants...
  8. vote.pad.420

    Good 2 Grow. Supa's First Time Growin'

    Updating with new pics....plants look much better, the biggest one is 6". Hopefully another week or two and they'll be ready to flower. Anyone have any suggestions on a nice digital camera to use? Ive been using my girls and ive noticed other grow journals have much better picture quality...
  9. vote.pad.420

    Confused About Ventilation

    i run a 9500 BTU in a room that is less than 60sq. ft. The passive intake will be in front of the AC and will be blown towards the cooltube by cool air coming out of the AC which is about 5-6 ft. away from it. Temperature in the room and odor control are the least of my concerns.....the AC...
  10. vote.pad.420

    Confused About Ventilation

    As the title says I am confused. Let me lay-out the ventilation set up I have planned in my grow room. I have a 6" cooltube reflector with a 600 watt HPS bulb. I also have an EcoPlus 465 CFM Blower. My thoughts are to hook one end of the blower to ducting connected to one side of my...
  11. vote.pad.420

    Good 2 Grow. Supa's First Time Growin'

    New pics around a week after the last ones....plants don't look so great. I was flooding too much, cut back the amount and plants responded great. Will be adding more pics of the improved plants soon. Just bought a EcoPlus 465 CFM squirrel cage fan I will be installing tomorrow. Its got a 6"...
  12. vote.pad.420

    Good 2 Grow. Supa's First Time Growin'

    Learned my first lesson today....must keep an eye on water level in reservoir. Didn't realize how quickly it would be depleted.
  13. vote.pad.420

    Good 2 Grow. Supa's First Time Growin'

    This is my first ever attempt at a grow of any sort, with any plant, in any capacity. I'm using bagseed as I'm not interested in ruining the $200 worth of seeds I've got (white widow & early girl) by some stupid newbie mistake. I am doing this journal with the intention on adding more knowledge...
  14. vote.pad.420

    Will this cause hot spots?

    also found out that it was 1mil and not the 2mil i assuming the 2 mil will hold up better and not sag nor droop as much. so what is the #1 preferred method of reflection if mylar causes hot spots as well?
  15. vote.pad.420

    Will this cause hot spots?

    i used automotive aluminum tape and stapled with little pieces of cardboard so it wouldnt rip....and i got it off the internet. when i left the room it was a lot smoother than that, those pics are a few hours later after i came back to take care of some other stuff.
  16. vote.pad.420

    Will this cause hot spots?

    Here are pics of the mylar I have hung in my grow question is will the obvious distortions and swirls in the mylar (the 1 mil shit is hard as hell to get and keep flat and smooth on a wall) cause hot spots or other damage to my plants? I will be using a 600 watt HPS to grow with and...
  17. vote.pad.420

    DWC Question

    did your friend have success with his plants? how was the yield, how long it take, etc... thanks again
  18. vote.pad.420

    DWC Question

    this will be my first grow and i have decided on the dwc method. most of the setups and plans i have seen calls for each plant to be put in a 5 gallon bucket and the water has to be monitored constantly since the plants consume so much, i was wondering if it would be possible to use one big tub...