Good 2 Grow. Supa's First Time Growin'


Active Member
This is my first ever attempt at a grow of any sort, with any plant, in any capacity. I'm using bagseed as I'm not interested in ruining the $200 worth of seeds I've got (white widow & early girl) by some stupid newbie mistake. I am doing this journal with the intention on adding more knowledge and know-how to the little bit I already have. I have spent a lot of time doing the research myself instead of learning via Q&A on these forums. I am using this grow to prepare myself for the seeds I ordered, this way I at least have a grow under my belt. I plan to post pics and would love to receive feedback/advice/tips/etc. throughout the entire grow.

I currently have 24 3" plants sprouting under a 600W HPS. They were germinated in 1.5" RW cubes, then placed in 6" net pots with Hydroton. The pots are sitting in a 4'X4' tray, which is connected to a 264GPH submersible pump sitting in a 30 Gal reservoir. The lights are on 18/6 and the pump floods the table 6X a day for 15 min. intervals. Currently the light is about 20" away from the tops of the plants, with temps in the 85-90F range directly under the light (there is not a plant directly under the light, I place my thermo/hydgometer there) Humidity stays in the 50's usually but sometimes does drift into the 70's and 80'soccasionally. The temperature in the room (its in a well insulated garage) is controlled by the portable AC unit seen in the pics. It is vented into the wall behind it.

As of today my water is around 800ppm, which I have read to be good for the stage my plants are in. The reservoir temperature is a little high, 80F last night when lights were on. I am in the process of fixing that as I have some water bottles freezing as I type this. My plan with this grow is to sex the plants I have and then flower the females after they reach 18-20". I am hoping for at least 10 females out of the 24 I have.

However my goal with the WW & EG is to run an Al B. Fuct type of perpetual harvest. I would like to have one mom of each and take two cuttings every two weeks of each plant. I want to have 4 different reservoirs with 4 different trays, each with different nutrients for different stages. Two weeks at each stage, eight weeks total flowering, and four plants to harvest every two weeks. That is the end game plan, right now I am still trying to crawl before I start walking. As I said before, any and all beneficial and helpful input is appreciated and welcomed. I will post pictures at least weekly, possibly more if I have any troubles or problems. Thanks in advance and I am looking forward to my first grow and first grow journal. :hump:



Active Member
Learned my first lesson today....must keep an eye on water level in reservoir. Didn't realize how quickly it would be depleted.


Active Member
New pics around a week after the last ones....plants don't look so great. I was flooding too much, cut back the amount and plants responded great. Will be adding more pics of the improved plants soon. Just bought a EcoPlus 465 CFM squirrel cage fan I will be installing tomorrow. Its got a 6" exhaust so I will be putting in a 9" passive intake hole in front of the vent on the A/C so that that fresh air brought in will be distributed throughout the room. Next project will be adding co2 to the room, just gotta make sure I do it the right way. Anyone have any suggestions or ideas or advice?

Also is it ever possible to tell sex before flowering or is that the only time? And at what point will the males release much time do I have to identify and remove them before they contaminate the room?



Active Member
Updating with new pics....plants look much better, the biggest one is 6". Hopefully another week or two and they'll be ready to flower. Anyone have any suggestions on a nice digital camera to use? Ive been using my girls and ive noticed other grow journals have much better picture quality. Whats the ideal camera for the purpose (shoot up close plant problems, sexing, etc...)?

Also anyone have any plans on hooking up an AC like the one in my pics to duct work and running that to the cooltube?



Active Member
been a while since i last updated...but here are the latest pics. i have since gotten rid of 9 males and am left with 8 beautiful girls. they are 30 days into flowering in these pics. some of the tops are lookin a bit crunchy and others are looking great. so far i think things are going pretty good, but considering i dont know much i could be wrong. any and all advice/critiques are welcomed and appreciated.....if you see something im doing wrong/could do better, please break it on down for me :bigjoint:

