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  1. C

    Serious Mood Disorders

    In my case this is the truth, with ample documented and circumstantial evidence that I have good medical reason to have these disorders. Not depression, just a very serious bad mood caused by many many years of some personally very hard times Of course I medicate myself with marijuana. I now...
  2. C

    Threatened For Giving My Opinion

    After thinking about it a bit the thing that really pisses me off about it is the issue of priorities. The first post I made there was about the increase in shootings of police officers. The only point I was trying to make was that desperate people do desperate things. I hate it when cops are...
  3. C

    Police just got owned.

    Lots of this is besides the point. The point is not to get arrested for a noncrime. If they really want to search your car they will. There is always some kind of reason they can give. Your eyes were red, car reeked of mj. Call in the dogs and the dogs will alert on any mj in the car and that is...
  4. C

    Threatened For Giving My Opinion

    I'm not really worried about the thing. If they really wanted to bust me, why would he have threatened me in the first place. I think he accomplished what he wanted to. He scared me away from that forum. They are afraid that if an honest discussion is allowed too many of their own will see the...
  5. C

    Threatened For Giving My Opinion

    Idaho. They recently confiscated a semi-homeless woman's car, she was going to stay with a relative or friend, and had around an ounce of legal mm from cali. The Prosecutor is a real bitch. She made, some comment as to the effect of thats california, not idaho. Someone above implied that I...
  6. C

    Threatened For Giving My Opinion

    And I knew better too. Obtuse + lazy. RJ
  7. C

    Threatened For Giving My Opinion

    I just checked their site to see if anyone had add to my posts and sure enough my posts have been deleted. Guess that particular mod really is afraid of an open debate. Do they delete posts here which argue against legalization? RJ
  8. C

    Threatened For Giving My Opinion

    I actually generally respect if not agree with cops. Neither of my posts there was inflammatory or in any disrespected or insulted the police. I have actually insulted Sting. That officer/moderator seems to be a bit afraid of a free debate. RJ
  9. C

    Who am I ?, remember the song?

    Maybe I'll start posting here more. Just a 60 year old guy who still feels young but starting to feel very old in the body. Love the Dead, Floyd, Arcade Fire, The Who and many others. Been known to smoke to toke now and again. Quit drinking over ten years ago. I also like to crossdress. If that...
  10. C

    Threatened For Giving My Opinion

    You are absolutely right about being careful about what we post here. Just by making the post they can find where your computer is very easily. About that post, it was really an afterthought. The reason i went there to post is that I feel very strongly that way way too many people in prison is...
  11. C

    Threatened For Giving My Opinion

    I admit I was very stupid. I have not been growing any plants for over a year now and I very stupidly posted this on a police website, my paranoia level being kind of low because I am not really doing anything. I posted a screen shot instead of a link...
  12. C

    Fake Av

    They used to put strychnine in it. Made your stomach hurt like hell, shitty trip. Back in 1970 if acid cost a buck it was almost surely great. If it cost 5 bucks, just watch out. Back then people weren't trying to get rich, and I guess it was really easy to make. The ergotamine is almost...
  13. C

    well 2nd methylone trip finally

    I guess mebbe150 mg in small bits over an hour and a half still lucid but I feel very good. I probably won't get any more tho, I've heard that if you do lots you get strung out. Really jittery if you're not under the influence. It is supposed to build tolerance really quickly too. I just love...
  14. C

    The ladies after ten days flower

    vegged for 6 weeks under 20 26 watt cfl 6500 k. Now under 2600k. Best Wishes CD
  15. C

    The ladies after ten days flower

    These seem to like flowering much better than veg. Lots of em are starting to cola. best wishes ]CD
  16. C

    Found a banana in one of my colas!! what to do!?

    You should post a pic. the male flowers I have seen always looked like a very small ball hanging off a verysmall tendril. Different strains can look different. Don't be too quick assuming it is a hermie. May be or maybe not. Best Wishes CD
  17. C

    Any ideas

    I only used the epsom salts once with a pince more a couple of times. I dont think the magnesium is too high, I am leaning to N starved is the problem. I have taken great pains not to over fert them and more and more I am thinking that they suck the food and water up quickly in the smaller pots...
  18. C

    Any ideas

    I have been getting quite a bit of yellowing on mostly bottom leaves. Kind of hard to tell what it is. My plants are in quart containers and some of them are not full. The potting mix I am using was working very well at first but it seems now to not hold any water at all. I have also added more...
  19. C

    Any Thoughts?

    These plants have been veg for 19 days. They are in large 1 qt. containers. They would be bigger except I had some probs with super hard water, high Ph, which have been corrected. I was thinking if I dropped them fro 24/7 to say 20/4 the shorter photoperiod should get them to show sex. I cold...
  20. C

    day 19 cfl closet grow some lovely girls

    I am using flat white card stock printing paper on the walls and floor. The top of the hood is painted flat white. I understand that flat white reflects light just as well as mylar. Best Wishes CD