Threatened For Giving My Opinion

I admit I was very stupid. I have not been growing any plants for over a year now and I very stupidly posted this on a police website, my paranoia level being kind of low because I
am not really doing anything.

I posted a screen shot instead of a link because I am worried that they would delete the "evidence" if anything were to come of this.

The other post which I made previously tried to make the case that part of the reason for the increase in shootings of cops is because so many more stops are made folks who are looking at life if cops find that dime bag.
You can easily navigate to the site itself to view the other post.

Best Wishes

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
sounds like maybe he did a search of your username and foundyou were a member here or another site? I don't think it was a threat but more of an opinion that insinuated he knows where you are a member here and you should be more careful but you don't grow so it's cool. MaybI missed something but I haqve no interest in browsing a LEO website where they all pat each other on the back for ruining people's lives.
You are absolutely right about being careful about what we post here. Just by making the post they can find where your computer is very easily.
About that post, it was really an afterthought. The reason i went there to post is that I feel very strongly that way way too many people in prison is one of the big causes of crime itself. Society just gets meaner. I make lots of posts all over about this issue. There really needs to be more discussion about it. Seems like there do not seem to be many law and order types willing to give an honest response to this issue instead of trying to intimidate. I think he was trying to keep me from posting more. I wonder if they are afraid of having someone there who makes a good argument about some of the stuff they pull.

I'm sure he got it here. That's why I'm posting here now.

I'm real pissed about illegal immigrants as well. Latinos were there (the s.w.) first, have been there ever since and have always freely traveled the area. We stole it from them. I don't think we ought to give it back, but these teabagger assholes call em criminals for using the only means available to them to feed their families. These poor folks get bit from both sides. The vampires who smuggle them in and us Anglos who either use them as cheap labor and then deport them after they've been here ten years.
"Somthin's gotta give"
I actually generally respect if not agree with cops. Neither of my posts there was inflammatory or in any disrespected or insulted the police. I have actually insulted Sting.
That officer/moderator seems to be a bit afraid of a free debate.

I just checked their site to see if anyone had add to my posts and sure enough my posts have been deleted. Guess that particular mod really is afraid of an open debate. Do they delete posts here which argue against legalization?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Like he is actually going to be able to come search you, or figure out where you are. You probably shouldn't use the same username here and there, but I think you are being totally paranoid. I would go post a snappy come back to him on that site because he won't be able to do jack shit. Tell him I said he's an asshole too, and I don't respect his profession.


Well-Known Member
Like he is actually going to be able to come search you, or figure out where you are. You probably shouldn't use the same username here and there, but I think you are being totally paranoid. I would go post a snappy come back to him on that site because he won't be able to do jack shit. Tell him I said he's an asshole too, and I don't respect his profession.
That guy may or may not be an asshole, but you cant take it out on all law enforcement. I know almost all of my local police force, i even went to school with some of them and some of them are parents of people i went to school with and they are all for the most part good honest people. Dislike people for their actions, not their proffesion. Nothing wrong with most cops, if you get busted its not like you dont know that you'd get in trouble. I mean its force fed to us over and over, so even though the reasoning is bs no one who gets busted can say they did not know they were taking a risk when they chose to deal with mj in anyway and what would happed if a cop found it. It's not the police officers fault, its societies laws against mj.


Active Member
Check out the new show on fox reality: smile your busted.

It made me sick to my stomach, 99% of the people are for drug infractions. They have a tv show, with tons of money coming and tracking people down now. It's not safe. These people "know" what they did, but tracking them down and arresting them on tv is sick.
Idaho. They recently confiscated a semi-homeless woman's car, she was going to stay with a relative or friend, and had around an ounce of legal mm from cali. The Prosecutor is a real
bitch. She made, some comment as to the effect of thats california, not idaho.
Someone above implied that I think all cops are bad. Most of the cops with whom I have had dealings have been respectful, professional, and decent. If we gotta blame someone
blame the legislators.

Best Wishes
Randy J


Well-Known Member
Idaho. They recently confiscated a semi-homeless woman's car, she was going to stay with a relative or friend, and had around an ounce of legal mm from cali. The Prosecutor is a real
bitch. She made, some comment as to the effect of thats california, not idaho.
Someone above implied that I think all cops are bad. Most of the cops with whom I have had dealings have been respectful, professional, and decent. If we gotta blame someone
blame the legislators.

Best Wishes
Randy J
I wasnt talking to you when i said that. if thats the post your talking about. That women needs to get ahold of norml, they'll have her out in a jiffy and probally get her a decent cash settlement for "pain and suffering". That prosecutor obviously broke multiple laws herself.


Active Member
Dude, internet anonymity. Learn about it. Download Tor, or Hotspot shield, they're programs that will mask your actual IP address and makes it damn near impossible to find you. Personally when ever I post anything of a questionable nature (not that I would ever do such a thing), it's from an account that's attached to an email under a false name with a different username than I use on any other website, and a different password from anything I've ever used so that even if somehow the account was linked to my IP I have deniability of saying that I use the same email and password for all of my other accounts for every other forum I use (except for sensitive information like paypal and that stuff, that's all well secured and each of my bank accounts and other financial accounts have their own unique passwords and account information each linked to a separate email.) you should also look into cookie cleaners. Every time you go to a website you get cookies saved to your computer to make the website load faster on repeat visits. I scrub my cookies every time I close firefox, and even if I dont close firefox there's an automatic scrub that occurs every 30 minutes. Any time I'm accessing sensitive or questionable material on the internet im behind 4 or 5 proxies minimum, so even if they manage to find out that my computer wasn't really in Bangkok, china, it would give them the IP of some random computer in india, and that IP would lead them to denmark or some other random country. It would literally take thousands of supercomputers years and years to discover my actual location when I'm behind proxies, and even then, I have deniability still. I have any sensitive information stored in a 256 bit encrypted container, and inside of that container is a second encrypted container, and so on.

If I should ever engage in anything illicit online (not saying I do) or to post anything incriminating online (again, something I never do) they'd be able to power half of the earth's energy usage by hooking up a generator to my body 6 feet under, perpetually spinning from laughing so hard at their efforts to link any digital information to me.

Also, each of my encrypted containers has a 30 character password including lowercase uppercase, numbers, symbols and alt-codes, and are limited to 10 attempts to open the container. After 10 attempts the container automatically erases its contents. If any sort of subpoena were ever raised on my computer, I'm only required to offer up the password for the container on the desktop. The other containers are hidden with other files, and unless I admit they're there (durrr not happening) I have no legal obligation to provide passwords for any subsequent containers, so even if those are found, its GG when they auto erase.

***Everything in this post is purely hypothetical, I never engage in any activity that would warrant such careful procedures to protect. Again, this entire post is purely hypothetical.***


Well-Known Member
Close this account.....Change states,,,,Change ISP's.....change all user names and new computer......burn old one........LOL.......At least your man enough to admit your stupidty now do the smart thing and learn the lesson and carry on.


Active Member
Close this account.....Change states,,,,Change ISP's.....change all user names and new computer......burn old one........LOL.......At least your man enough to admit your stupidty now do the smart thing and learn the lesson and carry on.
Nah, post on the forum again and inform officer fucknugget that you think he's a giant pussy and challenge him to come search your house, when he does, BAM! Finds nothing. What a faggot. You sue the shit out of him and the PD and state he works for harassment, threatening comments, and illegal search and violation of your rights, retire early. Once he's obviously fired for the mishap, offer to hire him as your personal manslut and make him dance and fight midgets and bears and midget bears for your amusement. It would be entrapment if you were a cop, but you're not. So bank on that shit.

Also, you should send that picture to some newspapers tv and radio stations and let them know about the misappropriation of police resources since he took the time and tax payers money to track down your IP address, your personal information, your other accounts on this website, all to harass you on tax payers dime, all because you expressed a valid opinion on an open discussion forum. I'm sure Fox news would eat that shit up, you might even get a half hour special and be a mini celebrity for a few days.


Well-Known Member
Nah, post on the forum again and inform officer fucknugget that you think he's a giant pussy and challenge him to come search your house, when he does, BAM! Finds nothing. What a faggot. You sue the shit out of him and the PD and state he works for harassment, threatening comments, and illegal search and violation of your rights, retire early. Once he's obviously fired for the mishap, offer to hire him as your personal manslut and make him dance and fight midgets and bears and midget bears for your amusement. It would be entrapment if you were a cop, but you're not. So bank on that shit.

Also, you should send that picture to some newspapers tv and radio stations and let them know about the misappropriation of police resources since he took the time and tax payers money to track down your IP address, your personal information, your other accounts on this website, all to harass you on tax payers dime, all because you expressed a valid opinion on an open discussion forum. I'm sure Fox news would eat that shit up, you might even get a half hour special and be a mini celebrity for a few days.
this single post contains as much bad advice as i can come up with.

don't go back on that forum using the same nick you use for this one. it's dumb.

also, he did not waste taxpayers money blah blahblah.... all he did was google his nickname... you can use google to cross-reference millions of pages of internet content in a few seconds....

and Tor is only goes so far.... finding digital information isn't impossible, the only way to completely delete most forms of electronic data storage devices is to physically destroy the device. FYI.......
I'm not really worried about the thing. If they really wanted to bust me, why would he have threatened me in the first place. I think he accomplished what he wanted to.
He scared me away from that forum. They are afraid that if an honest discussion is allowed too many of their own will see the light. It is a good idea for us to get the truth out in places where lies prevail. What a better place than conservative type websites. Just be careful of your username. If they want to badly enough they can always find who you are through your i.p. address, but as long as you don't post anything that would cause them to badly want you, you are in the clear.
It scares me though, how much longer will it take for the feds to get access to Google's database. Then they will easily be able to find out anything they want
about anyone they want to.

Best Wishes


Well-Known Member
google is openly available everywhere in the world except places where the internet is strictly controlled.

they have access to all this, but there have been judges and cases where cops have been caught falsifying shit, and now judges and cops are a little more careful...

they need a sworn affidavit from somebody that says they saw plants or marijuana in your house. if only you've seen your plants in person, then unless you tell them they're yours, you are good.

as long as the pics don't contain identifiable landmarks, identifiable architectural elements, identifiable vehicles, etc... then you can post as many pics of marijuana plants as you want. it's the plants that are illegal, not the plant's pictures......

as long as you protect your rights, and don't get greedy, you'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
=/ Its all BS. Especially if in a Legal state. No Cop is going to hunt you down for a few plants, when their are People growing HUNDREDS OF PLANTS in ILLEGAL Grow OPs, thats the BUST they want. Cops wanna come Search my Legal 3 plant grow go Ahead. Honestly IN REALITY all it would take is for you to Put a handful Of plants in your FirePlace before you ever answered the Door. =/ Tellem your Hot Boxing your house and invite them in.