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  1. C

    The Shot Glass Grow Off - Contest Growers ONLY!

    im waiting still for my seeds to pop open and then its on for me wooooot hoping they pop open soon. i also hope there done by the time i am out of treatment. that would be a rad present for my self.
  2. C

    The Shot Glass Grow Off - Contest Growers ONLY!

    lol the dude wanted the page number and stuff to see the final product.
  3. C

    should i try... lsd??

    i would say do it with some one the first time to calm you down if you start triping balls to hard, and so you dont get hurt. make sure when you do these kind of drugs that you know the area you are going to chill. you dont want to be triping and get lost, but always have a buddy system. if you...
  4. C

    my ghetto grow first grow

    thx i was thinking about that to day that a cup would be better. i have lernd about how to determin sex of the plants but practice dose make perfect. check back once in awile i will have some pics up and you can see how im doing and shit well thx again
  5. C

    The Shot Glass Grow Off - Contest Growers ONLY!

    sorry i could not help more
  6. C

    my ghetto grow first grow

    still waiting for the seeds to germ and i am exited as hell, i have em germing in a wet paper towel and i have cheched on them every 6 hours and they seem to be doing good. but i was wondering if i should of planted them strait in dirt or if im doing it corect. ill post some pics when they show....
  7. C

    should i try... lsd??

    any drug that makes you trip balls is good in nature
  8. C

    The Shot Glass Grow Off - Contest Growers ONLY!

    look over the thread the guys name is like xxninjaxx or somthing like that
  9. C

    The Shot Glass Grow Off - Contest Growers ONLY!

    yea i read this whole thread before i tried it and that guys plant looked butiful. im waiting for my seeds to germ, should i of planted right in the soil? if i should of is it to late to pop em in soil or could i still do it? and could i set the light for 24/0 on till it is mature?
  10. C

    The Shot Glass Grow Off - Contest Growers ONLY!

    i meen how long should i veg for?
  11. C

    should i try... lsd??

    man google search efect of shrooms
  12. C

    waiting on nirvana....still!!

    gratz nice to see that you got them i just started to germ my seeds today, first grow and im using bag seeds
  13. C

    The Shot Glass Grow Off - Contest Growers ONLY!

    lol yea that would help can you tell im a new grower:dunce: im going to veg mine for a shorter amount of time i want to have mine done by xmas or newyears the latest do you think thats posibal?
  14. C

    should i try... lsd??

    btw i rep for being smart and reserching before you try
  15. C

    should i try... lsd??

    smoke weed
  16. C

    A crash course in mycology, mushroom cultivation basics, how to get started

    nice i am thinking about growing some shrooms after i grow some ganja
  17. C

    should i try... lsd??

    god you can tell we are a bunch of stoners. were talking about food on a form thats about drugs
  18. C

    should i try... lsd??

    ell yea that would be good as hell, how about on a subway sub
  19. C

    Party Cup CFL Grow

    nice man she looks sexy as hell
  20. C

    should i try... lsd??

    yea but the tast is not verry important, yea it dose tast like your eating shit(lol it grows in shit). i just think its funny hearing ppl say how bad they tasted. but if your trippin about tast put them on a slice of pizza or on a angas burger from mcy ds