should i try... lsd??


Hey there :-P, couldn't help but put in my 2 cents..

I've defintely had a my fair share of trips from lsd and shrooms (well over 500+), I feel that peeps have pointed you on the right track. Shrooms I would consider to have typically a milder more controllable trip. A good dose of LSD will sweep you up for a ride and it would be advantageous to experience a milder roller coaster before going on a wicked one.

half an eight of shrooms will typically let you experience what a serious trip might be like without getting too out of control. try it with some crunchy peanut butter if the flavor is too much.

tripping on lsd is a great time and often provides some serious visuals ...many people believe Orange juice to enhance the trip and milk to lessen it.. acid v base?

but what you also mentioned and should consider is that many people consider this experience to quite mind blowing sometimes lifechanging or religious. For me, a trip will often sum up alot of occurences and I've made some drastic changes and realizations one way or another as a result of tripping. maybe this is due to being a naturally introspective person, but as someone with anxiety this is very likely your case.

Either way, life's an interesting journey and I'm glad I had the opportunity to experience the both substances.

Hope this helps,


ya so far its been pretty highly recommended, first things first though, ltting my shroomies grow (id have to grow em cuz its impossible to get ur hands on it in my area)


but if i try shrooms...
whats the recomended amount?
what should i do on my trip to enure its a positive journey?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
LSD is the greatest accidental discovery of all time man. +rep me if you love me so well. ;-)
+rep for loving you so well. lol, not to mention all the random bits of knowledge you have helped me add to my collection ;-)

but if i try shrooms...
whats the recomended amount?
what should i do on my trip to enure its a positive journey?
1.75-3.50 grams.. Different people say different things, I say eat half an eighth, if you like it, eat the other half.

Something you find relaxing.. sit in a field, go on a hike, chill near a river; if you can't tell I like being outside lol. So what you're comfortable doing I guess, nature become more astonishingly beautiful when tripping.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
oh ok, should i be alone?
Up to you.. a lot of people like to have a 'trip sitter', mainly someone you trust being with you. It's not a bad idea, keeps someone to talk to whilst you're tripping out of your mind, sometimes it can be pretty fun. Really though, that one is up to you.. if you do decide to be with someone, just make it someone who you know well/are comfortable with.


Well-Known Member
So, I really hate to seem to high jack as thread like this but I've had this nerve racking question but I don't want to start a brand new thread just to ask something else about LSD. Anyways here is my one question. Last time I did 3 blotter tabs and watched tree branches turn into eye balls, road signs melt and a lake twist and melt into the horizon and then from the horizon to the sky so it was the lake+horizon+sky morphing and churning together into what seemed like a beautiful portrait. Though whenever I do acid i'm up for around a good 12 hours, I know this is common on acid but I also get a pulsing energy in my legs to walk some where CONSTANTLY! So, I was wondering since I haven't read any where of LSD having these sort of effects. Could I be taking some kind of 2c-x substance instead? Once again I'm very sorry for high-jacking your thread though to answer your question, if the stuff I've been doing for the past month and a half every week in really acid than yes definitely do it. It will open your mind into a gateway of subconscious thinking you could have never thought possible.
i would say do it with some one the first time to calm you down if you start triping balls to hard, and so you dont get hurt. make sure when you do these kind of drugs that you know the area you are going to chill. you dont want to be triping and get lost, but always have a buddy system. if you want to do it alone go ahead. just have fun and dont do somthing stupid!!!!!.............
Hey guys So I read this and i figured id give this guy my 2 pennies even tho im a few days slow :P In my opinion doing shrooms will be better for you if your worried about the whole "Bad trip" thing mostly because you can control your high better than a blot of LSD. If this is your first trip i suggest that you start with a small dose just to get a feel for the effects then bump up to the next level when ready.(Like my first experience with pot as well as shrooms) Then I like to be with someone who is a trusted person Ex. My brother or possibly someone who you can talk to during your trip. Having a sober party is a plus because if you do freak out they can be your "Key" back to reality. Most of all in my opinion when you think your ready to eat your shrooms dont rush it i suggest smoke a bowl or something to calm the nerves then go for it like its a normal thing and relax. My favorite thing to do under the influence is go out and look at nature and truly get into your "hippie" mood. Just had to throw in my 2 pennies and hopefully this is a decent post :/