Honestly, I'm satisfied with the results but these girls were such a mess
Should have trimmed better pre flip
Having great results but still lots to work on as far as getting my plants more uniform
Where are you located? Is it winter? I was curious myself, it's winter where I am and currently like 20°F
If I placed a seed order I feel like the seeds would get extremely cold...would that potentially affect them?
Sorry about your seed issue!!
i personally would defoilate those plants
you dont have to go crazy crazy but i def would open them up to allow more air flow....its only gonna get worse as she flowers along
Never got down with the "paper towel method"
Literally all I ever do is put some RO water in a red solo cup in thru beans in....think in the last year I've had 1 not germinate out of 20 beans possibly
Week 6 12/12
Goin good
I have been moving my lights every 3/4 days to try to expose more light to buds considering my lack of coverage
3-4 weeks left if they finish same time mama did