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  1. S

    How tall in a half gallon pot?

    Thanks guys, I ended up successfully transplanting them to 3 gallon pots and they look muuuch better. I didn't even notice any downtime or 'recovery' time from them.
  2. S

    How tall in a half gallon pot?

    Ahhh crap, thats what I figured. Is it risky to do a transplant during the flower stage? They won't freak out and turn all hermy will they? Also, would transplanting to a gallon pot be sufficient or should I go with something bigger?
  3. S

    How tall in a half gallon pot?

    How tall can a plant get in a half gallon pot? Currently mine are in the second week of flowering, at about 18", which is where they were 2 weeks ago when I started flowering. I'm a little worried they have stopped or slowed their upward growth. I vegged them for 6.5 weeks, so their total age...
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    Yellow drying mid-upper leaves, pics

    Anyone have any idea what this could be from?
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    Yellow drying mid-upper leaves, pics

    Hey guys, you have been so great in the past helping me out, I decided to ask for some more advice :) I have two plants, in half gallon soil buckets, under a 400 hps light that just started getting some yellow coloring and a very dry feeling to the mid and upper leaves. They are about two...
  6. S

    Leaves curling upwards, pics

    Hey guys - I have some plants in half gallon soil buckets that are about 4 weeks old. I just noticed after lowering the light, a 400 watt hps, to about 16" that a few of the leaves are curling upwards. I haven 't started fertilizing them and was thinking it was a nute deficiency or possibly...
  7. S

    Transplants have yellow lower leaves, root problem?

    The pH is actually a little acidic, I've been meaning to get some pH up to correct it and probably will tomorrow. The water source is just tap, but good quality compared to some big cities/states. I got a humidifier today and lowered the lights a little bit. I am hoping that will help...
  8. S

    Transplants have yellow lower leaves, root problem?

    Awesome, thanks for the info! Anyone else have a suggestion on how to promote some root growth? Should i raise the light? (currently 400 watt hps at 30"), continue holding off on all nutes? Or anyone have any differing theories as to why the leaves are lower leaves yellowing and stems are...
  9. S

    Transplants have yellow lower leaves, root problem?

    Do you think it is a lack of nitrogen/other nutes due to too small of a root system? If so, do you have any ideas on how to stimulate root growth? If not, do you have any ideas what might be causing the yellow lower leaves and red stems shows in the pics? Thanks for the advice.
  10. S

    Transplants have yellow lower leaves, root problem?

    Hey guys I'm new to this, so ill do the best i can do to describe the problem. SWIMs plants were cloned for about ten days then transplanted 11 days ago. Since then there has been some good new growth, but the lower leaves are turning yellow, first with spots, then eventually the entire leaf...