Transplants have yellow lower leaves, root problem?

Hey guys I'm new to this, so ill do the best i can do to describe the problem.

SWIMs plants were cloned for about ten days then transplanted 11 days ago. Since then there has been some good new growth, but the lower leaves are turning yellow, first with spots, then eventually the entire leaf turns yellow, wilts and dies. Also, the stems are reddish.

I am thinking that this is a lack of nutrients caused by roots that didn't have enough time to fully develop. We originally had the 400 watt hps light about 14" inches above the plants with 24 hours of light. When the yellowing started to occur, we moved the light up to about 30" and switched to a 18/6 cycle. This has seemed to slow down the yellowing but not stop it. This was done because we thought there was too much photosythesizing going on and not enough root growth for those little transplants.

The plants are in soil, we have fertilized them once, and have been watering with a B1 transplant root stimulant with a nute ratio of 0-2-0.

Anyone have any ideas if this is really a nute deficiency caused by too small of roots? If so, anyone have any suggestions on how to stimulate more root growth? Or really any suggestions at all?


P.S. We were trying to do a SOG and was wondering if changing the light schedule to 12/12 to initiate flowering would help it grow more roots and solve the problem or if we should wait off on that until we get the yellowing problem under control?



Well-Known Member
Leave it alone with all nutes. Don't vert to 12/12 quite yet. If you were aiming for the SOG grow then you should probably wait atleast 3 more weeks.
Leave it alone with all nutes. Don't vert to 12/12 quite yet. If you were aiming for the SOG grow then you should probably wait atleast 3 more weeks.
Do you think it is a lack of nitrogen/other nutes due to too small of a root system? If so, do you have any ideas on how to stimulate root growth? If not, do you have any ideas what might be causing the yellow lower leaves and red stems shows in the pics?

Thanks for the advice.


Well-Known Member
Do you think it is a lack of nitrogen/other nutes due to too small of a root system? If so, do you have any ideas on how to stimulate root growth? If not, do you have any ideas what might be causing the yellow lower leaves and red stems shows in the pics?

Thanks for the advice.

Hey there,

Hope I can help, I see several things that may all be small problems,..., first, they look like they are barely rooted yet.

Shouldn't switch light schedule to flowering until you get those a little bigger, stronger, and get the existing growth to stop spotting...also, the way you're watering those plants is not the right way when trying to promote root development in those new cuttings.

In your photos I see dry spots on the soil which means you're not getting all of the soil in the container saturated with water, and if that's how you normally water, you'll probably need to do it more thoroughly and less often, going forward.

I'd probably do some trimming on those lower leaves, just because they're so small(the entire cutting), the plant probably can't support all of that foilage if indeed the roots are underdeveloped, which it what I suspect.

Once you get 'em going healthy again, give 'em a good flush and check your ph and restart a nutrient regiment after you've stablilized the girls.

GL brotha
Awesome, thanks for the info!

Anyone else have a suggestion on how to promote some root growth? Should i raise the light? (currently 400 watt hps at 30"), continue holding off on all nutes?

Or anyone have any differing theories as to why the leaves are lower leaves yellowing and stems are turning red?




Active Member
I use a dome to promote root growth !! They love the humidity ;) I get roots after a week no problem !!


Well-Known Member
man if u have ventillation flowing throughout like u should for HID's then 30'' seems pretty conservative to me. light is the best medication a plant can recieve along with fresh air. if they have been under that 400 for even a couple days to a week and seem to be having new growth along the top, then get that lamp in the 14-18 in range from there canopy. use ur hand as i guide, but in my experience i dont even peak 80 with my 400mh, and run it super close to tops

and i just took another brief look at pics, get the lamp closer, water more throughly like dude said, and then give them a 3 -4 day dry time, and no nutes for a minute. theyll bounce back, looks just like my clones after a long sit in the cloner. takes em a minute to start to regain forward momentum.

and hows ur water source, and ph?
and hows ur water source, and ph?

The pH is actually a little acidic, I've been meaning to get some pH up to correct it and probably will tomorrow.

The water source is just tap, but good quality compared to some big cities/states.

I got a humidifier today and lowered the lights a little bit. I am hoping that will help stabilize them and get some new root growth going. I also did a much more thorough watering (after taking a couple days off) with no nutrients.

Thanks for all the tips and if anyone else has any suggestions on promoting root growth/solving this yellowing issue (i'm fairly convinced its a nitrogen deficient from lack of large enough root system) it would be much appreciated :bigjoint:
