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    Fluorescent tubing grow

    my bad , didnt think before posting
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    Fluorescent tubing grow

    I'm actually growing NothernLights seeds under fluorescent tubes and was told that its at least 1 plant per 2 feet of tubing if i grow under 48inch long tube can i grow 20 plants ? :?:
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    How many CFL's do i need

    Anyone can help me ?
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    How many CFL's do i need

    i was thinking putting 5 plant per section and dont forget im keeping them until their 8inches high , because i sell them small , and the other people plant the outside
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    How many CFL's do i need

    its a 7 feet high box seperated in 4 section each section is 3ft long by 3ft deep and 21inches high <----- BY SECTION :D sorry i didnt point this out before
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    How many CFL's do i need

    About 3feet by 3feet , but im just growing a couple of week's in vegetation , keeping them until their 8inch to a feet high , then their out of here
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    How many CFL's do i need

    I was thinking some if these , but how much do i need
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    How many CFL's do i need

    Hi how many cfl's (at 6500k) shouuld i need for 20 plant , in vegetation P.s not too expensive
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    [urgent]How to switch to flowering

    dude , 12 ON 12 off ! there u go its done
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    hi i would like to know what should my soil contain to get nice fat weed ! consider i am starting 12/12 from seed , or maybe gonna go for a week under 18/6 thanks in advance ! AND WHAT NPK SHOULD MY NUTRIMENTS CONTAIN I THOUGH 20-20-20 or 6-2-4 FOR VEG AND 15-30-15, or 5-15-10 FOR FLOWERING
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    my new growbox

    whats the temputure on your cfls (2700k?) cuz im pretty much the samething as you , and how much did you pay your reflection insulation ?
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    Good lighting (CLF's)

    can i use 12-24 Watt 3500k cfls for veg and flowering ?
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    earth and fetilizer

    what kind of earth and fertilizer should i use ?
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    New grower

    i found a seed in my weed , but its really tiny about 3mm long , is it okay , normal ?
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    My Super Grow Room

    is that saran wrap ?
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    New grower

    got it , so i can start flowering by switching to 12/12 but will get less weed then if i let it grow for 1 month or 2
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    New grower

    okay thanks for all .... I'm actually thinking of growing in a aquarium with a fulorescent light , and what i mean about passing the plant to fowering stage is that , i want to know of i can start flowering the plant when i want to , and after reading i learned that i can start flowering after...
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    New grower

    Hey i'm a new grower , and would like to know what kind of earth to use what kind of ''food'' and when can i pass my plant in flowering step and how can i keep my plant low since my lamp i low and can bring it up