my new growbox

Whats up smokers, growers and green lovers?! Im finalizing the construction of my first indoor growbox. I really wanted to post some pics but i ran into some problems uploading them so i guess i will have to describe it to the best of my ability! Here goes nothing...

*box: 4 ft tall, 2 ft wide and 2 ft deep. Constructed out of 2x4's and 1/2 inch plywood. I painted the outside flat black to make it a little more stealthy in my closet. I covered 90% of the inside with reflective insulation due to the fact that i ran out. I painted the missing portions with high gloss white paint. The insulation soaks up alot of the heat from my lighting as well as does a great job reflecting the light. I installed my door with three 3 inch hinges and put two heavy duty swivel hasps on the other side to help tighten it up. I put weather stripping on the inside of the door frame to seal the light and it works perfectly, completely light tight!

*lighting: I've installed six 23 watt daylight cfl's. Im trying to grow the green way!! I mounted them off of a 1 ft 2x4 covered in my reflective insulation. I installed hooks and chains to raise and lower them as needed. I have them hooked up to a heavy duty outdoor intermatic timer with 6 inputs ( im only using three of them). The timer is mounted on the top of the box because its pretty big and the box is in the corner of my closet.

*ventilation: I installed two 115 vac 65 cfm cooling fans. My exhaust fan is at the very top of the back of the box, right behind the lights. My intake fan is on the very bottom of the back blowing in cool air off the floor. They are super quiet. I wired both fans seperately into replacement lamp chords and have them running into my power strip thats mounted on the back of the box. Thats also where my timer plugs in.

*misc.: I put in a digital thermometer/humidity sensor for obvious reasons.

I think i covered pretty much everything im working with right now. I plan on growing with soil. Im probably going to try to perfect my growing skills with just one plant to begin with. Im not too sure what strain im going to go with yet or where i will be getting the seeds. I also plan on experimenting with a couple of different growing methods such as scrog and mabye the dutch method( 12/12 from seed). This is my first growbox as well as cultivation so i plan on working on my setup and skills as i go. I plan on running duct work from my exhaust fan through the ceiling of my closet and out of the attic eventually. This is my first post and i just wanted to see what a couple of other people had to say about my setup. Give me some feedback and suggestions. Youre not going to hurt my feelings!


Well-Known Member
Have you turned everything on and run them for a few hours? Drop the lights, and get the thermometer close because, that is where the top of the plants will be. If heat is going to be a problem find out now, not when you have something in there. I think that with CFL venting to the room/closet will be OK.


whats the temputure on your cfls (2700k?) cuz im pretty much the samething as you , and how much did you pay your reflection insulation ?