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  1. P

    PC setup getting really crowded

    I am just nearing the end of the first week of flowering after about 5 weeks of veg in my pc case. the setup that I have is 2 towers stacked on eachother with a hole in the center so there is quite a bit of room in there. I have 2 plants in there from bag seed (pretty sure it is kush). the...
  2. P

    For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

    Here are some of the leaves off of the largest plant that i have. thinkin about getting rid of it.......least healthy of the bunch. what else can cause the damage on these leaves other than spider mites???
  3. P

    Roots Growing Above Soil

    Here are some of the leaves off of the largest plant that i have. thinkin about getting rid of it.......least healthy of the bunch. what else can cause the damage on these leaves other than spider mites???
  4. P

    For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

    These little white bugs that i found on the soil are still there and there are bugs that are flying in there now. not many just the odd one or two so far and i put vasoline on the stalk of the plant and there are little black bugs stuck on the vasoline so i do not know what those could be. also...
  5. P

    Roots Growing Above Soil

    These little white bugs that i found on the soil are still there and there are bugs that are flying in there now. not many just the odd one or two so far and i put vasoline on the stalk of the plant and there are little black bugs stuck on the vasoline so i do not know what those could be. also...
  6. P

    For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

    I have just found little white bugs on my babies and crowling around on the soil. i am not sure if they are spidermites or not because i have not seen any webbing although they could have just gotten there. what should i do to get rid of them? I have added a couple pics the first two i took...
  7. P

    Roots Growing Above Soil

    here are three pictures taken today. I am most concerned about the tall on as this is where i spoted the little white bug on the soil. i do not see any webbing but who knows.....maybe they could have just started?
  8. P

    Roots Growing Above Soil

    I should also mention that I am going to install a new light set up and it should give them about 6-8 more inches to grow.
  9. P

    Roots Growing Above Soil

    It is a sad day for my garden today......i see little white bugs and the plants health are starting to go downhill. I think that they are spider mites but they are crawling on the soil and undersides of the leaves. how do i fight this? I think it just started because they were doing so good...
  10. P

    Roots Growing Above Soil

    I gave you guys alot of photos so that it shows everything that i could try to show you. If you notice anything or have any remedies or even if you just want to give some advice I would very much appreiciate it. Is anyone able to tell if anything is male or female? thx.bongsmilie
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    Roots Growing Above Soil

    can a male start to pollinize before flowering? i always thought that you find out if it is a male or female about one week into flowering.
  12. P

    Roots Growing Above Soil

    thanks man. i totally just though of a good idea to remedy that.
  13. P

    Roots Growing Above Soil

    I know that you do not need to have the nutrients and that it is all about the light cycle that triggers them into growing. i was also waiting for payday so i could get a new light set up and add more lights and get the nutrients and pretty much get everything prepared so i dont have to worry...
  14. P

    Roots Growing Above Soil

    I am using two 42w cfls so far but i dont know what spectrum they are. i also have a 23w cfl in the middle. i plan on making a light fixture with light sockets and drying ducting. i do not really know a very good design so i was just going to wing it. if anyone has any suggestions on a cheap diy...
  15. P

    Roots Growing Above Soil

    I have a couple of questions. is it a bad thing for the roots to be coming up above the soil? is it bad to water them near the end of the day before the timer shuts the lights off and when is the best time of day to water the plants? and the last question that i have is how long can you delay...
  16. P

    nutrients for flowering

    sorry, just found the bottle and it turns out that it is a ratio of 12-4-8. is this safe to give the plants before inducing flowering due to the fact that i have not given them any fertilizer since i started them. the soil i am currently using is scotts premium potting mix with a ratio of...
  17. P

    nutrients for flowering

    I have a miracle grow mix of 20-20-20 laying around my house. should i use that for getting some nitrogen into the soil than go to a bloom fertilizer. I used it when they were really young and it started to burn the tips. they are strong and healthy right now and in the proper environment so i...
  18. P

    nutrients for flowering

    i just finished reading about how if you were to use a 20-10-10 mix in veg than it would be best to use a 10-20-20 mix for flowering. if that is true that why is the most common to use a low high low mix. and also i did not use any fertilizer this whole time and now my plants are ready for...
  19. P

    nutrients for flowering

    I am working on my first grow and don't really know what nutrients to use for flowering. i have been told that the most common ration is a 10-30-10 mix. schultz has a blooming fertilizer of 5-30-5 that i had laying around and i was wondering if this would be a good fertilizer. i am on a very...
  20. P

    Fan Hookup Issues

    I am starting on my first grow and am having issues on connecting the fans that i have to a power supply. I only have four plants and the space that i have is only 3ftx1.5ftx3ft (LxWxH). I have four 80mm computer fans that are rated at 12v and .25amps and i also have 2 10v small blower fans for...