Roots Growing Above Soil


Well-Known Member
they are not spidermites, im 99% sure of that, sounds like white flies or something like that, spider mites live on the bottom of the leaves and are very small, i'll find some info for u, wait here, i'll be back, lol
These little white bugs that i found on the soil are still there and there are bugs that are flying in there now. not many just the odd one or two so far and i put vasoline on the stalk of the plant and there are little black bugs stuck on the vasoline so i do not know what those could be. also a bit of damage on one leaf of the largest plant. any advice on what i should do? I cant buy anything till thursday so are there any home remedies that I can use till then???


Well-Known Member
These little white bugs that i found on the soil are still there and there are bugs that are flying in there now. not many just the odd one or two so far and i put vasoline on the stalk of the plant and there are little black bugs stuck on the vasoline so i do not know what those could be. also a bit of damage on one leaf of the largest plant. any advice on what i should do? I cant buy anything till thursday so are there any home remedies that I can use till then???
I already told you exactly what you should do.......that link has all the info you need and more.


Active Member
These little white bugs that i found on the soil are still there and there are bugs that are flying in there now. not many just the odd one or two so far and i put vasoline on the stalk of the plant and there are little black bugs stuck on the vasoline so i do not know what those could be. also a bit of damage on one leaf of the largest plant. any advice on what i should do? I cant buy anything till thursday so are there any home remedies that I can use till then???
best of luck with the little basterds,i know how you feel about the waiting until thursday->every week is another wait until thursday.
my timer fucked itself the other day so now im turning it off at 1am, and on at 6am(it's usual time)fucks with my sleep alot and i dont know about you but i make minimum sucks. viniger or beer in a jar lid(anything shallow) will catch/kill bugs aswell.