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  1. norris420

    My Friend Might Die.

    So Hattiesburg is not the place in Mississippi to visit?
  2. norris420

    My Friend Might Die.

    Haley Joel Osment is in it as a kid and basically he has this idea instead of paying someone back for what they've done for you, you go out of your way to help someone else in a really big way, similar to this story. It's actually a pretty good movie; I cried, but I'm a sap.. Karma will be good...
  3. norris420

    My Friend Might Die.

    Ever seen the movie Pay It Forward ? This thread reminds me of it.
  4. norris420

    My Friend Might Die.

    A kid from my high school nearly died after a head-on accident involving him and another person from our small community. Sadly, the other man died, but my friend recovered after a few months in the hospital. This hits very close to home, so good luck to you guys, I hope all goes well!
  5. norris420

    My Friend Might Die.

    You are all in my prayers! Travel safe!
  6. norris420

    Tell About Your Craziest Trip

    haha ya as I was trying to explain to them, my friends did the same type of thing to me and that was the last time weed got me "really high".
  7. norris420

    plants growing retarded leaves

    Haha this is funnier than "why is my baby plant growing sideways?" But if your plant is small, I imagine the leaves will begin to grow normal as it gets bigger.
  8. norris420

    My Girlfriend

    Ya you should definitely load up a bowl and introduce it to her. If she loves you, she wont get too upset. Good luck!
  9. norris420

    Tell About Your Craziest Trip

    Yeah Topeka is a dirty city.. Lol dank is some badass weed if you ask me but I have never had K-Town if it even exists. You can't find any kb out here easily, that's why I prefer Texas or Colorado.
  10. norris420

    Tell About Your Craziest Trip

    Wichita is 3.5 hours. Not that great. Lawrence and Manhattan KS much better than Wichita. Plenty of nice places in Kansas, but when you have lived here your entire life where there are no trees, no water, and a bunch of conservative prudes, you can kind of lose your mind.
  11. norris420

    Tell About Your Craziest Trip

    I live in SW Kansas, so if you were going to Kansas City, Missouri, it would take you about 6+ hours to get there no matter which route you took. It's 20 minutes to CO from here and 30 to OK. I know what I'm talking about.
  12. norris420

    Tell About Your Craziest Trip

    Yeah Colorado is the shit! I'm in Kansas so it's like the middle of absolutely nowhere, surrounded by nothing, where you have to drive 5 hours to see anything worth seeing.
  13. norris420

    Tell About Your Craziest Trip

    I would like you to join me through a day of class and see if you comprehend any of what I'm learning.
  14. norris420

    Tell About Your Craziest Trip

    Let's meet Pikes Peak Colorado Springs Colorado.
  15. norris420

    Tell About Your Craziest Trip

    Wow, that is depressing. So you spend all your time venting in a forum all about pot... Nice. I'm gonna go toke one for you man.
  16. norris420

    Tell About Your Craziest Trip

    And not Sci-Fi, the History Channel. Yeah I know Sci-Fi is fake, I'm not a blonde by the way.
  17. norris420

    Tell About Your Craziest Trip

    So what are you in the military?
  18. norris420

    Tell About Your Craziest Trip

    The supposed brown dwarf Nibiru is heading toward the earth on an elliptical path, so I've read. And when it hits it will throw the earth off its axis and cause major climate changes and mass chaos. Who knows what's really going to happen but some scientists says its similar to how the dinosaurs...
  19. norris420

    Tell About Your Craziest Trip

    Peter Parker, I just thought weed was supposed to make everyone friends and get along, and you know weed has made some of the people I thought were my friends turn into greedy fiends. kindgrower, I'm not sure what to think, but if science supports it, what's not to believe? It's not exactly...
  20. norris420

    Tell About Your Craziest Trip

    when i did salvia it taught me that the government just wants us to continue to generate money for them while they develop newer technology to remove the "powerful" people off the planet before the earths destruction in 2012.