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  1. cannabox4me

    neerGreen #2: Let's try soilless

    I have 2 boxes of magnesium currently: 1 says "epsom salts" on the from of the packet and has this on the side: MAGNESIUM SULPHATE EPSOM SALTS Magnesium Oxide (MgO) Soluble in water .................16%(10%Mg) The other just says "Magnesium" on the front, and on...
  2. cannabox4me

    neerGreen #2: Let's try soilless

    Ok, good to see you have already taken it into consideration. I do recommend removing one to another area though, to see if it perks up at least, it is strange that you should have so many plants that seem so sensitive, I mean why whould a plant not want more light ? But I know how you feel...
  3. cannabox4me

    neerGreen #2: Let's try soilless

    Hello neer, I have just read through your two journals, this one and the one around this time last year. I was just wondering (with all the problems you seem to be having for sometimes no apparent reason) - Have you considered the possibility of outgassing from plastics ? A lot of your...
  4. cannabox4me

    Forum Timing Out

    Hey Smokey, Are you by any chance using noscript with google analytics disabled ? - I have found the site does not timeout in IE, and if (in Firefox) I enable Google Analytics scripts, then the site loads pages as normal for me. Strange thing though I CAN get pages to eventualy load without...
  5. cannabox4me

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Scottish advent calendar
  6. cannabox4me

    Pure Comedy, Day 65 of flower

    Best reply of the thread, made me laugh LOUD, attracting strange looks from my housemates: :clap:
  7. cannabox4me

    Need someones input!!!!

    RE: Coco/perlite I'm defo going to use coco on the grow after this one, I just want to take small steps thats all. I have a few grows under my belt, spaced out over about a decade. How much of a step do you think the coco would be ? I mean what about pH and EC levels ? I was planning on...
  8. cannabox4me

    Need someones input!!!!

    Alright Night Claptoman. Thanks for the comprehensive reply, I am using a mix which already contains perlite (prob about 10-15%) so I will add a load more to the test subjects and make observations over the course of the grow. Grow will be starting in next few weeks so I will keep you posted...
  9. cannabox4me

    Need someones input!!!!

    Hey Night Claptoman. I have a question about perlite and watering frequency. I have posted it here I am certainly going to add extra perlite to a number of plants in my next grow. How much perlite would you reccommend...
  10. cannabox4me

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello all, I am here like the rest of you, to help the government put drug-smugglers and organised crime out of business ;-) I am a bit of a scientist at heart, so I look forward to soaking up some technical knowledge from what I imagine could be hundreds of years of collective growing experience.
  11. cannabox4me

    Target watering frequency ?

    Bumped for the weekend. Anyone care to weigh in ? Any experiences with extra perlite good or bad ? Anything I should really be watching out for ? Cheers guys
  12. cannabox4me

    Target watering frequency ?

    To be honest I’m not really qualified to answer your question, as I’m just copying the method from a friend who get the results – I’ve always grown organically, with fair to good results. I had a bad experience with hydro a decade or so ago (my first grow) , so I like to...
  13. cannabox4me

    Target watering frequency ?

    Cheers ReAVeR. Isn’t Water Water Nutes a bit too far on the side of caution ? I mean I didn’t really want to cut my nutes by 2/3rds for the girls with extra perlite – that is, unless I’m watering 3 times as often. How much perlite do you add ? And how has it...
  14. cannabox4me

    Target watering frequency ?

    Bump, or can I get this moved to a more appropriate area perhaps ? Sorry I don't know how these forums work properly yet. Cheers
  15. cannabox4me

    Question on meters

    Hi guys, Just got my ph/ec meter in the post. The ph probe looks like it had a bottle attached to the end to keep it moist, however the bottle is empty with a little residue in it. Does the probe need to be wet continuously, even before I calibrate and use it ? Do you think its now damaged by...
  16. cannabox4me

    Target watering frequency ?

    Anyone got any suggestions ? Perhaps the hydro guys ?
  17. cannabox4me

    Target watering frequency ?

    Hello, first post so a brief and MASSIVE thanks to everyone who posts on here. I have learnt so much from you guys I'm grateful, really, so thanks. Now the question about watering frequency: On my last grow I had to wait 2-3 days (4-5 in the early stages) until the soil was dry enough to...