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  1. K

    Important question about Helicopter thermals

  2. K

    Important question about Helicopter thermals

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    Movin to Sacramento, Question please help

    Appreciate it my dude. I heard alotta different mixed shit, im not goin out there to sell or anything. Just for school, a new life, and to blaze medicinally, im sick of taking all these pain medications to be out of pain. Failed knee surgeries are a real bitch. Hopefully my area will be...
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    Movin to Sacramento, Question please help

    haha yo, I didn't meen it what so ever like that, and if you saw me you would have a totally different opinion. I just don't feel like moving into apartments where my shits gonna be gettin broken into every day when i go to school n work n shit. Just askin if anybody had any expirnece in...
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    Movin to Sacramento, Question please help

    Whats up guys, im 20 years old, movin to Sacramento, goin to school for Biology. Im supposed to be movin into the Hacienda Apartments on Cottage Way, I just wanted to know if anybody has any opinions on this perticular apartment & it's area. Im not racist what so ever, just safety wise, im not...
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    im a seasoned toker but im not high yet will I i just ate more help please

    I smoke way to much...alot..everyday..medicinal grade if u call me, i bet u 20 bucks im smokin cause im always in hella pain cause of my knees n shit.anyways. i made a cannabutter n some shitty tastin oatmeal cookies with shits in em, did everything proper, let it simmer for like...
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    PleasePLEASE help, im making Cannabutter with trim & just have 1 quick question

    Why is this website have such nice people?Opposed to grasscity, this place is fuckin great. Thank you so much. And to the guy that was talkin bout the 2 for 2 one for sort of a burnout when it comes to comprehensation & i comprehended absolutely nothing you said
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    PleasePLEASE help, im making Cannabutter with trim & just have 1 quick question

    Whattup everybody, im making cookies today with some butter im making out of trim & stem I have. I was gathering directions, watching videos, etc, it's not hard to do im just conufused about when its simmering because some places say stir & simmer for 3 hours then put it in the fridge after you...
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    How to use the Illuminated Microscope from RadioShack? Please help!

    it didn't come with directions, wierd right? i still can't do it, i think i retarded :sad::cuss:
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    How to use the Illuminated Microscope from RadioShack? Please help!

    I have no idea how to use it, i've turned the little light on & off, the little plastic piece on & off, all I see is a big white circle, no idea what im doing wrong. It's the Illuminated Microscope 60x-100x from RadioShack. Any help...
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    Has anybody let an AutoFlower go more than 70 days? Is it ok?

    useless fucking idiots on this site!
  12. K

    Has anybody let an AutoFlower go more than 70 days? Is it ok?

    deletttted this website is useless
  13. K

    45 Day old autoflower When should I add Nutrients since it looks good, please help

    My cousin called me crying tellin me how they died and he threw them out lol. He doesn't even care though he was just doing it as an expiriment. I don't even smoke anymore, I used to, but not anymore I stopped a year ago. I feel bad for my cousin though but im sure he will get over it, he threw...
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    45 Day old autoflower When should I add Nutrients since it looks good, please help

    You guy's sure that yellowing isn't just the strain itself because now it's about 46 days old and these auto flower's usually turn a bit yellow at the end towards the end of the flowering/life cycle. I'm going to begin using the recommended amount of the DynaGro tomorrow. My cousin was sort of...
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    45 Day old autoflower When should I add Nutrients since it looks good, please help

    What do you meen? they look really good besides the tiny yellowing at the tip of a few leaves, you sure I shouldn't leave good enough be? these is an autoflowering strain and im using great soil, but I have DinaGro here's the link check it...
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    45 Day old autoflower When should I add Nutrients since it looks good, please help

    My cousin wanted me to ask about his girl, he sent me these pictures n was beggin me to go online and ask for help lol.the girl is about 45 days old now these pictures were taken when she was 43, its been grown in about 85% fox farm ocean forest 15% light warrior and it looks very good and my...
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    43 day old autoflower,yellowing please help

  18. K

    Signing for seeds from Attitude?

    Lol, yeah dude especially if there not huge orders im sure no one cares. But my boy said it said delivery confirmation on it so that makes sense. He doesn't even wanna start them anymore still tho haha im like chill brooo
  19. K

    Signing for seeds from Attitude?

    lmao, im sooo glad you said that too, im sketching fucking balls over here. such a fuckin buzzkill, but misery loves company hahahaha, nah dude its prolly just cuase of the holiday tho...did ur friend order it with the guranteed t-shirt like mine did?