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  1. JayAK47

    My pot movie

    i thought we where getting the movie last weekend ....
  2. JayAK47

    My pot movie

    So it might be a lil early but whats your next video project gonna be?
  3. JayAK47

    My pot movie

    I find my self checking this thread like 10 times a day waiting for this last movie :/
  4. JayAK47

    outdoor drying

    what if you have like 15 pounds where do you dry that?
  5. JayAK47

    cfl lighting help?

    any one have that book for free? as a free e-book or somthin
  6. JayAK47

    construction of a tree fort

    I cant wait to see the harvest pics.
  7. JayAK47

    HPS security/parking lights

    yea I am saving up for a 400w mh and a 600w hps
  8. JayAK47

    HPS security/parking lights

    my lights are finaly in my room. some temp problems at first but I think I should be all set now. also if your gona take a light then the small parking lights are the way to go. doesnt take much time at all to remove the light. idk I had some one helping me do it who had some basic knowlage you...
  9. JayAK47

    First Computer Case Grow

    I have seen grows on other forums done in pc cases...
  10. JayAK47

    HPS security/parking lights

    I only saw one post here that actualy helped this girl with what she wanted... if she wants to steal a light instead of paying then she has her reason if she wanted the help you guys gave her then she would have talked to her mom.... and all you worried about this girl giving mary jane...
  11. JayAK47

    HPS security/parking lights

    mine came from a trailer park that is going under
  12. JayAK47

    HPS security/parking lights

    got 3 of them today but my bro cant come and tell me how to wire them until tomarow
  13. JayAK47

    my rant.....

    If I didnt live so far away I would take it for 800 right now.... cali right? think that thing would make it all the way back to maine without breaking down?
  14. JayAK47

    400w setup

    would black nylon stocking make it light proof
  15. JayAK47

    400w setup

    I am going to have it vent strait out the polly in the front... and also I am growing ak48 do you think I could start 10 in there then 12/12 at 1ft? Oh yea and if any one has a way to make a passive air intake that is light proof. I realy dont want and try to build a light trap just because of...
  16. JayAK47

    400w setup

    Putting a 400w hps in a closet that is 2x6x7 and I am going to have a 4in inline fan (200 cfm) and I want to use a passive intake. It is a closet with 3 normal walls and the front wall is gona be black plastic sheeting. Questions: 1. Will that fan be enough to keep the temps down with this...
  17. JayAK47

    Growing in a tree

    This grow is awsome I cant wait to get up in thr trees next year. I wonder how long till some one falls out of a tree doin this shit.