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  1. S

    4 weeks into flowering, may need some help

    just looking for some guidance....Been a while since I have posted..I am happy to report that of my 3 plants that were flowering I have now chopped one of them (yld was just under an ounce and a half) - I was pretty happy with that as this is my first grow, in a wardrobe, with just CFL'S. Cut...
  2. S

    Frist time grow, Trainwreck and bag seed, please help

    looking great - love the blown up long are you thinking you are going to be flowering those plants...I am on my first grow and just a few days behind you.
  3. S

    MY girlfriend pisses me off...

    I am with the let er go crowd....I used to have one of those pains and since I moved on and found a more logical girl I GET TO SMOKE my bud for enjoyement rather than to calm me the fuck down.
  4. S

    4 weeks into flowering, may need some help

    I repotted my worst looking plant on Saturday and she is all ready looking happier. Not sure if my little CO2 mix is making a big difference or not but I have noticed that since I put it my cabinet my avg. temp has increased about 6 degrees - is that normal? It is making all kinds of CO2...
  5. S

    help my plants.please.

    looks good to me...I am a month in and am starting to get red hairs....still budding like crazy. I would say your girls are just growing up.
  6. S

    please give me some advice

    I would just tie it to a stake in the soil next to the stem. that would be the easiest route. Just tie it loosly.
  7. S

    4 weeks into flowering, may need some help

    Thanks for the input SCHWARTS - I added a little home brew CO2 today over lunch - hope that gives my girls a little more umphhhhhhh. I will chill with worrying about those fan leaves so much. Would I be crazy at this point to repot into larger pots?
  8. S

    4 weeks into flowering, may need some help

    just checked out your grow JN811 - nice work. I doubt I will get the kind of results you had since I am flowering with a shit ton of CFL'S but your smoke looks great. How long start to finish did you let those babies go before harvesting?
  9. S

    4 weeks into flowering, may need some help

    OK, went ahead and gave them a little flush last night and then hit them with some quarter strength veg. nutes...they were looking a little better this morning. I just don't understand why the only leaves that are changing are the large fan leaves. I understand that the chloro is being pulled...
  10. S

    4 weeks into flowering, may need some help

    still looking for some advice on the issues with my plants.....the large fan leaves looked almost bright yellow when I left for work today...PICUTRES INCLUDED AT BEGINNING OF MY POST.
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    4 weeks into flowering, may need some help

    still seeking feedback on this issue - any of you old timers got any good advice for me.
  12. S

    4 weeks into flowering, may need some help

    Thanks for the feedback, I think I will give the girls a good flush and see what happens...did you loss the fan leaves pretty early on, How long did you flower them I said this is my first grow and I have gotten this far with our any issues - but this far in I don't want to blow it!!
  13. S

    4 weeks into flowering, may need some help

    no reflective material per say, I am growing in an old wardrobe that I converted...I did paint the entire inside flat white....I don't think its bugs as someone has mentioned, looked with my magnifying glass and can't find any evidence of critters.
  14. S

    4 weeks into flowering, may need some help

    please, someone give me some guidance it root bound issue perhaps, nute lock up......I need some advice before my baby's get worse. I have fans blowing on the plants when lights are on. Temps range from 70 up to a max of 80...humidity is average about 40 percent. My ph is at 6.8=...
  15. S

    4 weeks into flowering, may need some help

    I am a first time grower, growing 3 female plants from seed, vegged for 40 days and today marks the end of week 4 of flowering. In the last two days most of my larger fan leaves have turned yellow and some are beginning to get brown spots. SETUP - 16 -27 WATT CFLS 4 - 17 WATT...