4 weeks into flowering, may need some help

just looking for some guidance....Been a while since I have posted..I am happy to report that of my 3 plants that were flowering I have now chopped one of them (yld was just under an ounce and a half) - I was pretty happy with that as this is my first grow, in a wardrobe, with just CFL'S. Cut here a bit early prob. and ended up with a very heady high - blown out of my mind heady high. My second girl of an unknown diff. variety is coming down in a few days - have about 30% amber trichs now and shit she stinks. My 3rd plant SHOULD be getting close I think but that is the one I am wondering about. She is def. the biggest of my plants and there is not a bud on her at this point that is not at least 8 inches long and about 3 inches round. The main cola is a good foot long and close to 8 inches around. My question is this...this big bitch still does not have one red hair on it and has no amber trichs at all yet. It has been in flower for 76 days now -....is this normal and any guesses on how much longer perhaps. The main cola is now shooting out new growth in every direction and just keeps getting fatter and fatter. Any advice would be appreciated. Are their varieties that just don't get red hairs on them ever? Are there varieties that don't ever get amber trichs? I am guessing I still have a few weeks on this plant but that is going to get me into the 100 days of flowering range which seems extreme.