Ok,got them growning first pot is 4 cm tall and tiny one next to him idk how is it possible cuz i planted 1 seem a and sec is very tiny one, but my problem is i planted them middle of pot they have gone to very side any idea when would be good to plant them bigger pot?
Hi,I wanted to ask about smt,
I am using 60w thats about 1020 lumens and siol ph is 5,5-6,5
soil humidity is 60-70%
and in packet there is that nitrogen 200,phosphor 20 and potassium 60 any idea could this problem be at bulbs or soil?
So i readed,but didnt notice still how often should i water plant in beggining of growing?
after i put my seed to soil i dont water it 1-2 days and then 100-200 ml?