i can get any kind of weed. usually mids 25 1/8, 60 1/2, 125 an o. but i know people up at the burg that get bad deals sometimes, so i hook them up. but i can get nugs whenever and haze its just if your willing to put some extra cash up for it.
i love smokin blunts my fav. grape dutches all the way!! when i roll a blunt i pull off the side glue and the cancer paper part. i roll the best blunts. all my friends think i roll the best ones. i also like to roll tulips yummmmmmmmmmm! best high ever damn
wow niice grow!! i have the same setup as u and its been about a month and there no where near the size of urs, there only about as tall as a pack and and half of cigarettes. i have 3 plants 2 26 watt cfls. and 1 46 watt cfl(150 watt incandescent) there on a 24/0 lighting schedule i dont know...
dude same here it is a marivilous thing to think about when high cuse there really is no answer cause nobody knows. i like to think about space and how it was created and how far the universe goes and if there really is life besides us on earth. its...
wow this is wierd, i just fought this kid the other day when i was high. i was skateboarding and one of my friends came up to me. he said that this kid was talkin shit on me. i was havin a bad week and this was something i really didn't want to hear. so i decided to smoke a blunt with my friend...
wow ur grow is amazing under cfls. i my self am doing a cfl grow but my plants are growing slow its been about a month and a week and there not even close to the size of urs. i have 2 26 watt cfls, and 1 46 watt, and have 3 plants and a fan, i have them on a 24/0 lighting schedule. if there is...
i would like to know what would be the best light that can screw into a regular lights fixture? i have 3 plants its been like a month to a month and a week and there only 6-8 inches tall. right now i have 1 29 watt cfl., 1 50 watt cfl. and 1 uva/uvb light. is this enough? any help would be...