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  1. colonel cannabis

    Advanced Nutrients Noob

    thanks alot man! you have answered my question and then some! I am curious to know how tall are those outdoor plants?
  2. colonel cannabis

    Advanced Nutrients Noob

    I am pretty new to growing and I was hoping I could get some information from you guys at RIU regarding nutrients. I recently purchased some advanced nutrients mother earth blended natural super tea. I am using fox farm ocean forest soil and I am ready to start using these nutrients. I am...
  3. colonel cannabis

    Lighting Question

    Hello RIU! I have a lighting question. So I found this 400 watt philips MH bulb at a pretty good price. On the box it says, "for use only with ANSI M59 ballast." However, I do not have this ballast. I am wondering if it will work in a different 400 watt ballast? I want to try it, but I dont want...
  4. colonel cannabis

    Cloning question

    thanks for the advice everyone!
  5. colonel cannabis

    Cloning question

    alright, thanks man!
  6. colonel cannabis

    Cloning question

    I have been doing 12/12 would 24/0 be better?
  7. colonel cannabis

    Cloning question

    yeah, I think I'll go ahead and use the cfl. I guess I'm not in too big of a rush, so time isnt a big issue. From your experience how long did it take to root?
  8. colonel cannabis

    Cloning question

    haha, well it looks like I got the two extremes than. I am guessing clones are more fond of blue light right? In which case I guess I'll keep it under the cfl. Unless someone opposes that idea.
  9. colonel cannabis

    Cloning question

    ok, does anyone know what temperature clones thrive in?
  10. colonel cannabis

    Cloning question

    oh, If temperature is a factor for rooting clones, the lights are in seperate rooms. The cfl room is around 75*F while the hps room is around 85*F.
  11. colonel cannabis

    Cloning question

    Hey RIU, I have a question. So I recently took a clone and I am useing the water cup method. ( I cant leave it next to a window sill, but i have a 26 watt 6500k cfl i can use, or a 250 watt hps. This method says to use...
  12. colonel cannabis

    Is Miracle Grow really the devil???

    I have used miracle grow once, the problem for me was that there was way too much nitrogen. It burned the lower half of my plant but I was able to save it in time; however, that part was unable to recover. I guess if you will be using miracle grow, flush the soil really well because it is choc...
  13. colonel cannabis

    Miracle grow organic potting soil????

    I would agree with flushing the nutrients, miracle grow has a ton of nitrogen and a possibility to give a nutrient burn to the plant.
  14. colonel cannabis

    First Grow

    looks like the blueberry is finally on the right track, and today I just got some seeds from a friend! the seeds are germinating at the moment, hopefully they'll be under the light soon with the blueberry!
  15. colonel cannabis

    First Grow

    the blueberry is taking a liking to the metal halide bulb. it was looking droopy earlier so I put it in some better soil, and its already looking up!
  16. colonel cannabis

    sad droopy leaves?

    thanks man, I appreciate it.
  17. colonel cannabis

    sad droopy leaves?

    ok, what should I be looking for brandwise and NPK wise?
  18. colonel cannabis

    sad droopy leaves?

    thanks guys, I'll run and get some better soil. It doesnt look too bad so I think I can save it.
  19. colonel cannabis

    sad droopy leaves?

    hey all, my plants are vegging right now day 24 I believe. I've been growing indoors, been watering about every 4 days, using soil from the back yard. I woke up today to find that the leaves became incredibly droopy. Is this due to overwatering? or something to do with nutrients or lighting...
  20. colonel cannabis

    First Grow

    just hooked up the 400 watt metal halide! and i'll attatch some pictures of the blueberry.