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  1. colonel cannabis

    So I got to thinking one day and this is what happened,,,

    I have a feeling this will be quite a succesfull grow! subscribed.
  2. colonel cannabis

    First Grow

    got some awesome news today! This guy I know got busted for growing so he is going to lend me his 400 watt metal halide bulb and ballast for me to use! Hopefully I can get it within a week or so. As for my blueberry, shes growing and getting greener. The AK seeds on the other hand both did not...
  3. colonel cannabis

    First Grow

    when i was investigating the yellow leaf it seemed likely that there would be too much nitrogen as miracle grow is about 20% nitrogen. not too sure what my pH is, its from the tap and I usually let it stay out for a couple days for the chlorine to evaporate. I am watering every 3 days, and...
  4. colonel cannabis

    First Grow

    I switched from miracle grow to some dirt i just dug up. She is noticably greener and growing in height. Pretty sure those yellow leafs were from too much Nitrogen. 1 AK seed didnt do too well, and the other is having a little trouble sprouting but Im believin in em!
  5. colonel cannabis

    First Grow

    seeing as this is my first grow, please comment and make suggestions, I would appreciate help from those veteran growers on roll it up!
  6. colonel cannabis

    First Grow

    blue berry update, day 13. pictures are a little fuzzy.. she seems to be yellowing on the fan leaves that have been cut, and I have noticed a couple of brown dots. Is this normal for a two week old clone? Im thinking it could be a nutrient burn because im using miracle grow. any suggestions?
  7. colonel cannabis

    First Grow

    2 of 4 AK seeds germinated and were put under the light, now they are peaking out of the soil. I also moved the blue berry to a larger container, things seem to be moving along nicely
  8. colonel cannabis

    First Grow

    yup, hps all the way. I hope for my next grow to get a metal halide and experiment with that. I am a little tight on space for now so until I get a larger area I probably wont have a veg and flower room. You're right it does look a little droopy so i'll hold off on the water a little bit, thanks...
  9. colonel cannabis

    First Grow

    some new leafs are coming in on the blueberry, and I just moved a germinated AK seed under the light. Hoping to see some sprouts in the next few days
  10. colonel cannabis

    First Grow

    heres some pictures of the blueberry
  11. colonel cannabis

    First Grow

    Just started a stealth grow in my closet with a 250 watt HPS on The 21st. got a indica dominant blueberry clone that is doing well. At the moment I am germinating some AK seeds and hope to get them under the light soon. All is going well, I'll probably post some pictures soon! Once the clone...
  12. colonel cannabis

    Cleaning a one-piece glass bubbler

    In my opinion the best way to clean a piece is to pour salt in it along with rubbing alcohol. Take a few minutes and swish it around in there, and eventually it will look like came right from the shop. As mentioned above, the stronger the rubbing alcohol the faster it will be cleaned.
  13. colonel cannabis

    My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!

    Im not too sure about that 12/12 light schedule, during veg growth you should give em about 18 hours. 12 Hours will simulate fall, so if a seedling experiences 12 hours of light, it will focus more on budding right away rather than growing and gaining height. That would be like planting a plant...
  14. colonel cannabis

    what additives can get me more yeild ?

    You want to exaggerate nutrients depending on the stage of growth the plant is on. During vegetative growth you want the plant to have more access to nitrogen. Nitrogen will help the plant grow larger. During the flowering stage you want to add more phosphorus. Phosphorus will help the plants...