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  1. Grow4Daze

    A Dumb Anti Weed Guy

    Well, luckily you're in the right forum to re-learn what you've been mistaught. I'd like to correct you on a few points if I may. The Dutch grow because they realize that if a problem continues to be a problem even though all extreme measures have been taken, regulation vs. criminalization...
  2. Grow4Daze

    A Dumb Anti Weed Guy

    C'mon dude. How are we ever going to get our word out there with pot smokers acting like 12 year old's playing rock paper scissors? I don't blame you for getting mad, but your actions aren't going to get anyone voting YES on a legalization reform ballot any time soon. The legalization movement...
  3. Grow4Daze

    Spread The Seed

    I was thinking about renting a plane and dropping seeds from the Could we collect enough or would I have to come out of pocket for over a million seeds?
  4. Grow4Daze

    Spin-Out for Chemical Root Pruning

    From Wikipedia: "Symptoms of copper poisoning are very similar to those produced by arsenic. Fatal cases are generally terminated by convulsions, palsy, and insensibility.[citation needed]. The DRI Tolerable Upper Intake Level for adults of dietary copper from all sources is 10 mg/day[citation...
  5. Grow4Daze

    49 million to five

    That's a very valid point. When is a plant a plant? I see a plant with every seed I put in the ground. Is it a plant when it gets it's first taproot? Is it not a plant before the sprout comes out of the top of the rockwool? I believe a plant is a plant at whatever stage of development it may...
  6. Grow4Daze

    So, I'm going to go DOWN on my GIRL - sunday

    O.k. take your girl in the shower. Wash her down like a brand new BMW M6; soft and thorough. Make sure to use your hands wherever the sponge, loofah, whatever has just been. If you scrub her thigh, run your hand down it like your squegeeing the water off of her; if it's her breast, do that too...
  7. Grow4Daze

    Leaf Anomylies...mutants?

    Well, didn't heed my own advice but everything is coming along fine. I changed out the reservoir to full veg solution. I counted around three plus nodes so I figured it was veg time; beyond the little seedlings they once were onto full maturation. The girls are growin'. Getting some nice fan...
  8. Grow4Daze

    Leaf Anomylies...mutants?

    Yeah It's my first grow ever and I'm behaving like a mother with a new born child. If I don't stop, my plants gonna grow up to be a sissy! lol But yeah, I have two femmed Strawberry Cough plants goin' under four 4' flouros 6400k with GH nutes on a drip system. I have to think more like...
  9. Grow4Daze

    Leaf Anomylies...mutants?

    I never seen leaves like this before, is this common? It appears the leaf on the left went from a normal looking diamond shape to a three pointed (think Volcom symbol) shape. I've always seen digitate leaves starting from the end of the stem but never from one leaf. It is one of the first few...
  10. Grow4Daze

    Did God Create Man?

    I haven't even read this thread but I can answer your question. Man created God. See my sig below
  11. Grow4Daze

    How much is an eighth

    LOL!:lol: It's about 40 grahams. I like Cinnamon Grahams myself
  12. Grow4Daze

    You know someones a rookie smoker when . . .

    ...or when they hand you the bong half full of stale smoke and you tell them to clear it. But instead of pulling out the slide and blowing it from the stem out of the top, they blow from the top and the bowl gets soaked
  13. Grow4Daze

    You know someones a rookie smoker when . . .

    When they ash their cigarette on the rolling tray. That guy got banninated from the room.
  14. Grow4Daze

    What are these little white fuckers?

    Spider mites are going to be about the size of a pin head and u should see little white dots in your plants from them sucking out the juice from the leaves. If small webs, then yeah, definitely spider mites. They may also be white flys. If you see what look like little tunnels in the leaves then...
  15. Grow4Daze

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    That makes me embarrassed to be white. That was actually kind of sad to see someone so spoiled... and what was with the remote control??? Was he actually gonna ass rape himself? LMAO!
  16. Grow4Daze

    LOSING HOPE, GALLUP: Approval Down

    The same man who received a telephone call telling him to skip the appointment that he had that morning in Build. 1 of the towers. And he still thinks it's terrorists?
  17. Grow4Daze

    My neighbors a snitch

    I say let it ride. I know for a fact that my landlords a 'head. A 'head knows a 'head, they say. Either way, my plants are gonna pay the rent. Whether I sell it to him for the price of rent or sell to someone else and pay the rent, it all works out. But dude, you have the landlord on your...
  18. Grow4Daze

    My First Grow-Strawberry Cough from Seed

    Well, I've finally decided to do it. I ordered my Strawberry Cough seeds from Dutch Passion and have put together a mini flowering room. I'm cutting it kinda close because I haven't even started the flowering room yet. But this is my story in progress of my very first grow. I had the seeds in a...
  19. Grow4Daze

    3600 Watt Dutch tables (Jamaican Pineapple)

    Freakin' awesome man! I have my 2 little Strawberry Cough seeds waiting to sprout from the rockwool and you're about to be so baked you'll forget your own name. :clap: Awesome
  20. Grow4Daze

    CFL Closet Grow Bubblieicious!

    Nice lookin dude. Looks to be the start of sumthin' good.