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  1. 4

    Specific Information Needed

    dude for 2 plants you could have used cfl or flouro. iv grown 2 in a cupboard with 2 desk lamps XD
  2. 4

    information needed on re vegging please......

    hey, i've only done regenerated one plant, and what i did was cut off all the buds and branches, but i left the main fan leaves. after that, i fed it nothing but water (cant remember how often) fur probably like 3 weeks before it started growing. even then, the stem died down to the first node...
  3. 4

    Cloneing in soil?

    thanks again guys, that'd be 2 writeoffs if it wasnt for rollitup. mad props
  4. 4

    Cloneing in soil?

    Hey guys, as some of you may know, im a fucking clumbsy douche and i dropped a lamp on my plant, turns out it also took a branch off of another plant, which i promptly wet, dipped in cloneing powder and planted in potting soil cuz its 1:00am and i dont have anything like rockwool or anything...
  5. 4

    Fuck, I snapped my plant

    cheers guys, i was shitting bricks when i did it...still feel like a tit tho. ah well, ill post how it goes
  6. 4

    Fuck, I snapped my plant

    Hey guys, i was fucking around a tad and dropped a lamp on one nof my ladies. The main stem has snapped between the 1st and second node, but didt comeoff, just kinnda split into like 3 and bent. I've got it taped to a pensil to keep it straight, but is there any point in doing this? will it just...
  7. 4

    Not budding!

    Im from England man.
  8. 4

    The Most Outrageous Post Thread.

    One of two things: 'Only dead fish go with the flow' & 'Whats the difference between a baby and a slice of pizza....................................................... you dont have sex with a slice of pizza before you eat it'
  9. 4

    spiral bulb

    if its an energy saving or 'CFL' then yeah u can leave it on aslong as u want.
  10. 4

    Don't know whats wrong.

    Hey, i have a plant which is about 3 weeks into veg. the second set of fan leave are acting strangely tho. On one side, the sides of the main finger are curling. On the other, small patches of brown. Not sure what this means. Thanks for any help. Oh yeah, im growing in soil, under CFLs and...
  11. 4

    Not budding!

    Yeah man thats probably the cause. My friend did the same kinnda thing, but he won't listen to me and now (6 weeks into budding) he aint got shit. Quite distressing. XD But yeah, get rid of the heater and anything else which might be lighting 'em up. Safe.
  12. 4

    first grow ever

    Hey dude, chances are you haven't put too much perlite in the mix, the roots have probably almost filled the pots (which makes it look like the soil is drying like hell). If I were you I'd re-pot ASAP. Still, Good luck man, Hope it goes better than my first.
  13. 4

    Gnat Damage?

    thanks man, iv been watering with baby bio (5 drops/L) every 3-5 days, didnt think that would be too much. cheers for the advice tho, Also, iv got a sand dressing on each, but this has only been there for a few days. Recon this acctually works?
  14. 4

    Gnat Damage?

    Hey, following an ongoing war with gnats, iv got differant shit wrong with each plant. One of em has dead sections of leaf, starting at the end and seeming to effect each finger seperately (and going a dark green colour), also, to second to top leaves are drooping. The other one has dying leaves...
  15. 4

    A Guide To Recognising & Removing Bugs

    Im pretty sure my root systems have been chewed up...if i kill whatever is responceable, how long till normal growth returns?