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  1. C

    quick topping question

    so ive just been letting this plant i started from seed just grow havent used anyting but tap water and miracle grow just want to get an idea of the nature of these plants before i get more invested. any way i was going to attempt my first top and wanted soe advice as to how and where should i...
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    should i get it?

    hmm well perhaps i should save this light for when i have more ladies so can i put a 400 watt hps is a 1000 watt ballast
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    First Harvest- Bubba kush

    that looks great how long do you leave them in that cabinet for?
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    help! (pics)

    that soil looks soaked! need more info as far as set up grow medium lights and all that good stuff
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    Can I use a HPS bulb in a MH ballast?

    i had the same question as you except i have a 1000w ballast and a 1000 watt MH is way to strong for the amount of veg plants i have (2) way going to try and put in a 400w hps they have the same fittings just not sure how the ballast distributes energy i dont want to chance broken bulb parts in...
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    my 1st cfl indoor grow, advice and hints welcome

    thats awesom i have a similiar set up and grow going on ive notice from reading that most mother plants will veg nicely in most any soil it gets difficult to keep them alive and most problems later on in the cycle or with trying more advanced methods of growing ie DWC any way, i was given the...
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    should i get it?

    ok now i know how much of a stupid question that was when i plugged that bad boy in! its like the fxckin sun! that has to be enough to grow in a 5 by 5 room and 60 plants
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    should i get it?

    yeah this will be my first actual lighting thats not cfls first ballast and hood as well actually not really too sure what to look for. anyway he is n his way to my house now to let me test it. shoul i put it on my one mother plant i have in veg? or wait for flowering or both?
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    should i get it?

    i found A deal wanted to see your opinion its a 1000w metal halide bulb hood and ballast fr 100 dollars im currently just using cfl's but seems like to good to pass up. i only have one mother in veg
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    oh shiiite what did i do to mommy

    so i got this clone planning on making it my mother and then cloning her to try a dwc in a 5 gal bucket. she was healthy and happy then she got all droopy and sad on me! im a first time grower havent had much experience she is an all organic soil some cheap 12 dollar bag from home depot. i use...
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    FuZZyBuDz takes a D.W.C. dip, first hydro grow! {of course theres piks}

    you got me super motivated did you have to get a bigger pump when you switched to the 5 gal? also could you explain how often and how you flush?
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    Welcome New Members!

    so posted a vid of my grow for my first mother plut i havent had any luck on gettting some tips from any of you experienced growers like i thought maybe its the wy i posted my journal i dont know but i look foward to any advice:?
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    emerald city skunk cfls organic first grow

    hey all long time learner first time grower heres my little girl i gt a dying clone from a buddy for free, but then i revived it it had a bad case of heat stress and fertilizer burn but after a long time treating her i got her lookin healthy i cant say for sure how old she is but heres a lookvia...
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    Bubbleponics - Do you need a SUBMERSIBLE Water Pump?

    what no! dont do that the nutrients are usually liquid as well or dissolve no need to worry about that and yes you want a a pump that goes in the water unless it sits outside and your air hose just runs to the air stone.
  15. C

    where should i set up my grow (video)

    hey everyone im new to the site im glad i found it ive been lurkin around reading and im ready to start growing the question for me is where? i want to be profitable but not go overboard for my first i dont have to be stealth about it its in my house! and everyone i know smokes or is ok with the...
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    Just A Neutral Minded Observation

    first of all people call marijuana a gate way drug i uinderstand this point of view. if your the white right wing high on god in the government prick you know why they call pot the gateway drug because they say it is stop calling it a drug its not if pots agateway drug then alcohol and tobacco...
  17. C

    best way to ship?

    speaking of shipping how safe is it to order seeds online? to my home adress? i dont know any growers for clonies!
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    diego sanchez vs. bj penn

    ok i have always given my predictions on ufc fights and every time i wish i would have bet the mortgage. but my responsibleness (is that a word?) wont let me. i dabble in mma and have trained jiu jitsu wing tsun and muay thai, saying that my predictions sanchez tko in the second either by...
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    :Joint: Tokin'

    do you really think the dea will come bust my grow just because i research "marijuana" online. they know me by watching my internet habits! it was suggested to me! got me thinking