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  1. B

    Drying Question!!!!

    just looked at it again and pulled off a test bud smokes great real sticky inside. stems bend but do not snap or break yet. i do have curing jars, is it that time?
  2. B

    Drying Question!!!!

    My humididty is way down now... Its like 38 percent???? What can I do? Also after just four days the buds are already crispy?? temps are still at 70
  3. B

    Drying Question!!!!

    I just checked hang/dry room. It is in the basement, temperature is around 62-65 and the humididty is right around 48. It is a very dark, naturally cool room. Does this sound ok??? Any suggestions?
  4. B

    Drying Questions 1st time poster!!!

    No No, I am sorry if I came off like that. I did not intend to. I am listening and taking in all advice given, just simply asking for more. I am getting ready to cut down in about a week, and want to know the best process to take after letting it dry for a week. Should it then be placed into...
  5. B

    Drying Questions 1st time poster!!!

    So to go from the drying process to curing process what are the steps to take to get it done? I def cannot cure for a month, but can do a week or two. Do i go from trimming to brown paper bags for two days? And then after that is it just a matter of jarring it up and opening the lids everyday...
  6. B

    Drying Questions 1st time poster!!!

    ok ok... so i should let it hang longer for sure. is there a quick way to cure it after letting it hang? like i said for my purposes the longer i have to wait the more it hurts. i got a chocolate chunk indica strain going now 8 weeks into flowering. hope to post some pics here soon. but i...
  7. B

    Drying Questions 1st time poster!!!

    For my purposes curing is not the best opition. I have been hanging for 3 days then going straight to ziplock storage bags and putting them in the freezer (set above freezing level). I always seem to have a "musty" smell and "harsh" taste. What am I doing wrong? I want the funk smell and taste!!!