Drying Question!!!!


I just checked hang/dry room. It is in the basement, temperature is around 62-65 and the humididty is right around 48. It is a very dark, naturally cool room. Does this sound ok??? Any suggestions?


Active Member
A little warmer would do you some justice, but just make sure to check for mold often if you're drying in the basement.


My humididty is way down now... Its like 38 percent???? What can I do? Also after just four days the buds are already crispy?? temps are still at 70


Active Member
prolly wanna cure it in a coule days if its already getting krispy. oyu dont want it to get to dry or else i heard it can smell like hey when you cure


just looked at it again and pulled off a test bud smokes great real sticky inside. stems bend but do not snap or break yet. i do have curing jars, is it that time?


Active Member
From wat ive learned here on RIU you want to wait untill the stem cracks, but does not snap all the way thru. But i think ur pretty close man, Congrats!