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  1. P

    someone help? mag def? soemthing else?

    yea my PH is fine. anyone know the espom salt ratio for a DWC setup?
  2. P

    someone help? mag def? soemthing else?

    im using distilled water with GH flora nova...right around 500ppm, ph is stable.. was wondering can this be a mag def? my friend suggested that. the leaves look almost like they have dried water spots or something that slowly pale in color and the leaf gets really dry and brittle so that when...
  3. P

    250+WATT CFL Kush

    been a bit since my last update so i thought id share some pics and get a little advice. my seedlings are spotting with light spots on the leafs. idk what it is, ph is good and its not nute burn i believe. i just switched my clones nutes and burned it getting pissed off as this is...
  4. P

    mother plants?

    was sitting here debating on my current grow of 2 Royal Kush seedlings and a Juicy Fruit clone. i want to eventually get a perpetual grow going and was wondering typically how many mothers are people keeping for a particular strain? Do you keep 1 and just keep cutting off it? Do you keep...
  5. P

    what to do for flushing nute burned dwc plant?

    well i dont think iv gotten the clone healthy yet. a few more spots have shown up...idk whats going on. im going to go get more Distilled water and switch my res out for distilled and mild nutes. right now its ph'ed tap water and taht alone sits at 400ppm and who knows what exactly are those...
  6. P

    250+WATT CFL Kush

    heres a further update..having some issues. i have another thread in the problems forum though so if you can help or suggest, please do. i topped one seedling. was debating on doing both. Also topped the clone too and getting string today to LST as i supercropped the bottom and its growing back...
  7. P

    Do plants just "Stop Growing"?... what's going on here?

    hes previously stated he didnt want to bother with mixing anything and wanted the simplicity of a single bag. getting your hands dirty is also metaphorical.
  8. P

    Do plants just "Stop Growing"?... what's going on here?

    yea but op doesnt want to get his hands dirty. you can grow in anything with the right supplements. MG Soil included.
  9. P

    what to do for flushing nute burned dwc plant?

    my ph never tops 6. i use GH drops but its always a yellow hue until i ph it to an orangish yellow for a high 5. is flora nova known for these issues? or could it be my rez themselves? i dont have thermometers for them but the waters defninitely cool to my touch...wouldnt swim in it haha..
  10. P

    what to do for flushing nute burned dwc plant?

    my other bucket is beginning to show what seems to be the same P seems to be the same symptoms as my clone. whats your impression finest? also the clone seems to be in the same state..not getting worse, maybe getting better? the affected areas are the only spots still so thats good...
  11. P

    what to do for flushing nute burned dwc plant?

    my only problem is im out of distilled water and have just been running it in ph'ed tapwater because my tapwater alone is almost 400ppm....hhhaaaaarrrrrrrdddddddddd as hell.
  12. P

    what to do for flushing nute burned dwc plant?

    how would i address the P def then?
  13. P

    250+WATT CFL Kush

    yea i know..but thats what this is all about..strain differences and seeing what it can take. it obviously was too much hahah on a side note i had to supercrop my plant because it was going to touch my light and id like to keep all the plants a manageable height. my problem is i cracked the...
  14. P

    what to do for flushing nute burned dwc plant?

    are you sure? i had my ppm at like 550 then i jumped it to like 780 and this happened, then i switchded out for tap water and the burning stopped.
  15. P

    what to do for flushing nute burned dwc plant?

    hey guys..pretty sure i burn teh shit out of my plant..not sure exactly if im supposed to drain my bucket and just replace it with plain water? only flushing instructions im finding are for soil..
  16. P

    cant figure out the issue, please help?

    pretty sure i burnt the hell out of her. i had it around 740ppm and took solution out and added distilled bring it down to about 520ppm. that still too high?
  17. P

    250+WATT CFL Kush

    pretty sure i burned this shit out of my clone. i actually had ppm at 700. took solution out and added more its right around 520. still too much?
  18. P

    250+WATT CFL Kush

    yea i increased the amt of water and put to 800. if it doesnt like it ill cut it back. i started thinking i needed more water as only about half my root system was in nutes.
  19. P

    250+WATT CFL Kush

    well another update. my ppm pen is awesome. opens up a whole new realm to this experience and allows me to actually understand a bit better as to whats going on. switching out my seedlings buckets with distilled water and nutes now. also found a film at the bottom of my sick looking plants...
  20. P

    cant figure out the issue, please help?

    switching now. ive found a strange film at the bottom of my bucket. shouldnt be algae..i dont have any light issues(so i believe?). cleaning and replacing with distilled water and nutes.