cant figure out the issue, please help?


Active Member
hey guys trying to figure out what could be wrong with this plant.

i want to say from the diagnosis sticky that its cal mag but this is my first time running into this problem.

2 x 125 CFL 6500k like 8 inches from the top
Ph'ed Tap water. 5.8 hopefully cant be higher than 6.2 id imagine. i use drips and go for an orangish yellow color.Superthrive and now minute flora nova grow nutrietnts. ppm pen shows 275PPM.

is it possibly that it was ready for food now and since i just started feeding her this was a result? i tried feeding her and her sister before and they did not want the nutes..burned the hell out of them so ive been playing it cool lately.

heres a pic.


you can see on the newer growth on the right that the leaf edge is yellowing..

your help would be greatly appreciated guys.


Well-Known Member
You are seeing that as a result of the plant needing Nitrogen. I usually do not start feeding until I see the first leaves, the cotyledons, turn yellow. I usually start with around 200-250ppm and let the plant tell me when to adjust.


Well-Known Member
i could swear they were being fed to much....but i'm an idiot about these kind of things
low nitrogen?
what does pure water do?


Well-Known Member
to often have i seen peeps see a yellow leaf and jump for nutes and end up just making things worse...
i just don't like the idea of, yellow leaf = nitrogen def though you are most likely correct.

what kind of media is this?


Active Member
they are rapid rooters in hydroton for the medium.

what could i use to address the nitrogen issue? or am i to just up my nutrients?


Active Member
right on. i think im going to switch to distilled as well..i have some still to use. hopefully within the next few weeks theyll get to their 5th set of leaves so i can clone these bitches!!


Active Member
switching now. ive found a strange film at the bottom of my bucket. shouldnt be algae..i dont have any light issues(so i believe?). cleaning and replacing with distilled water and nutes.