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  1. The Elite Joystick

    Couple Questions

    That would be really nice. I just want one or two plants to supply my smoking habbits (^_^) I havent read everything on the site yet, but i'm looking forward to reading about yield and how much you can get off a plant.
  2. The Elite Joystick

    Couple Questions

    Alright, thanks for the help.
  3. The Elite Joystick

    Couple Questions

    Alrighty then, in that case, can anyone tell me the bare minimum of essentials i would need to grow just one plant? Just to try it out until I can get some actual money coming in (^_^) Thanks for the help.
  4. The Elite Joystick

    Couple Questions

    Whats up, I was just wondering If it's possible to grow a plant without spending ANY money at all. Basically, while I'm unemployed I want to take the random seeds i've saved from weed i've bought in the past, and practice and experiment with them, like get some dirt from outside and use tap...
  5. The Elite Joystick

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey everyone, guess i'll introduce myself here (^_^) I started smoking weed like 3 months ago and love it more than anything, it's amazing. I'm currently unemployed and way WAY bored, so I looked into growing my own plants, and the more I read the better it sounds to me (^_^) From what...