Couple Questions


No we are not hijacking your post. Very good dialogue going on hear. read and learn. two different viewpoints with some good info. Take what you want from it and leave the rests for others.
That would be really nice. I just want one or two plants to supply my smoking habbits (^_^) I havent read everything on the site yet, but i'm looking forward to reading about yield and how much you can get off a plant.


since you have narrowed down the reason for your grow,ie. personal use, I would suggest that you check out the indoor cfl forum on this site. lots of good inside/ stealth grow information. With good technique, and a small investment you could harvest every two weeks, say a couple oz. But first get that first grow under your belt, it will be good for your technique and confidence.
Outside is good, mother nature provides most of what the plant needs. The bad? you have to wait for mother nature to provide what the plant needs, ie. spring and summer long day grows, then fall short day flower. Thats a long time to wait. Still Crackerjax is right when he says cheapest way to grow. All it takes is time.


New Member
I think I'm spoiled on outdoor because of my very southern climate. :lol:

I'm still in shorts and bare feet down here ... :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I think I'm spoiled on outdoor because of my very southern climate. :lol:

I'm still in shorts and bare feet down here ... :mrgreen:
I envy ya! Cold as shit here....but nice in my grow room. Just have to wander in there to smell the buds that should be ready just after newyears....
But, hell yeah, pot in a couple of "good" seeds and let'em rip....My initial intent was to grow small for my own use....5 autos have furnished me with enough quality smoke for quite a while....and have some regulars to havest soon and some more autos that will mature in mid feb....I start all mine under floros and move most to a hps after 5-6 weeks....but I always keep a coupple of plants under floros jsut to watch so I know floros WILL give you some bud....just smaller than hps.....