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  1. T

    My third grow, Afghan weed

    They have grown into monsters, cant wait to see how long they actually take, and how big and icy they get. Anyone ever smoke Afghan before? Whats it like
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    Aurora Indica

    hophead- how long did you have to flower?
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    Keef Question

    yes this will work but it will take much longer than if u just used a bigger screen than a grinder... but even so dont 4get to put your buds in the freezer at least an hour before you grind.. that way the keef hardens and falls off easier
  4. T

    How do you check your closet before flowering

    haha turn ur lights in the room on.. stand in your cabinet and close the doors and if you see light so can your plant
  5. T

    happy 420!!!

    happy 420 guys im not only blazed but im lookin at my baby and i just cant sop smiling... wow i love pot
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    noob-flowering nutes

    Thats Terrible
  7. T

    Show Off Your Buds (Pics) (Cfls only)

    wow that plant does look great for 1 cfl... notice how i added "for 1 cfl". Most people on this forum have read enough to know that they can grow way way better buds with hps.. and that cfl's will get you lighter nugs that r not near as fat... but this forum is about CFL BUDS not is an HPS or...
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    Growing outdoor.. side lighting???

  9. T

    About ready to cut....Pictures

    it seems you ignored the previous post on page 2.. did you add CO2? its my expert opinion that it really helps with bud development... its a fact :) maybe if you did more research you would have tried it out
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    Growing outdoor.. side lighting???

    and by the way ativas that shits funny.. ya maybe i need to put them on the roof or else my bottom nugs wont get enough light penetration cause its 2 far from the sun.. lol but maybe my cola will get burnt cause its to close to the sun so ill blow a fan over the canopy to protect it from the...
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    Growing outdoor.. side lighting???

    ya i was totaly serious.. you dumbass believed me that im gonna put an electrical socket installed into my tree.. hahahahahaha your goulable sleepytown
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    Growing outdoor.. side lighting???

    lol ive been wanting to post this idea for a while i thought it was hilarious and wanted to see what people would say back 2 me.. i guess thats what happens when your blazed on these forums, glad sum of u thought it was funny lol
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    How many (Cfls) Bulbs are you useing

    ya i second that and i also want to say lets get back on topic! 1. How many/ what kind of cfl's 2. how many plants and what is your total dried weight (if you know) or estimate if possible
  14. T

    Very odd flowering.. have u seen this before?

    thanks man, i believe that
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    Growing outdoor.. side lighting???

    cant ne1 help me? is it worth adding cfl's?
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    Growing outdoor.. side lighting???

    okay guys so i coulnt wait i want nugs so bad i ordered a 430 watt hortilux bulb... it ran me a pretty penny but i need my plant to start flowering soon so i really had no choice! But anyways im going to home depot to get a electrical socket to install in my tree above the plant so i can plug...
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    Growing outdoor.. side lighting???

    Hey guys so im growing some bagseed outdoor and its comming along great so far... its around 2 months into veg and is really getting impressive... One thing i am unsure about tho is is its worth getting an hps to make it flower.. (i also heard that you can make it flower with red cfl's) so i...
  18. T

    Very odd flowering.. have u seen this before?

    ok ativas thank you fo your help i am a true idiot. i did not know the correct definition of toping.. i believe i actually fimmed my other plants and actually did topp this one correctly... but vandala this is my 2nd grow and and just an expiriment, so to say cutting off the lower 1/3 of the...
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    Very odd flowering.. have u seen this before?

    i dont know but i topped 3 plants and all my others had time to regrow 2 new heads but this one didnt.. the side branches aready there just grew out.. i duno its wierd it had time to grow it just didnt even begin to grow new heads.. whatever i think i just topped it to low on the new growth or...
  20. T

    Very odd flowering.. have u seen this before?

    lol no it doesnt fuck u dolla bill (e willi)