Growing outdoor.. side lighting???


Active Member
Hey guys so im growing some bagseed outdoor and its comming along great so far... its around 2 months into veg and is really getting impressive... One thing i am unsure about tho is is its worth getting an hps to make it flower.. (i also heard that you can make it flower with red cfl's) so i dont know if the sun is good enough or should i add this hps. (i'll hang it from a tree). If it is should i get a 1000 watt? im really trying to get fat nuggage! If its a good idea i was thinking i could add red cfl's around the plant for side lighting for fatter nuggets! Im looking at etting the 27 watt 100 watt equilelent cfl's it seems like those are my best bet. thanks for your help!


Active Member
okay guys so i coulnt wait i want nugs so bad i ordered a 430 watt hortilux bulb... it ran me a pretty penny but i need my plant to start flowering soon so i really had no choice! But anyways im going to home depot to get a electrical socket to install in my tree above the plant so i can plug the ballast into something.. what goods an HID without a power supply? lol i guess none.. thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
I think that a string 1000w of light would be a great idea!! Maybe you can disguise it as a christmas tree If you use both HPS and MH.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
hmmm Im gonna say we dont see too many more sposts after he turns a 1000 watt hps on outside.yeah add some cfls to the grow too


Well-Known Member
ok just incase this isn't a joke, don't put any lights outside. first off, the sun will provide all the light you need as long as you put your plants in a decent area, second, whats going to happen to your expensive light when it starts raining?

also i'm pretty sure that a light is going to draw some serious attention to your grow spot. esp if u run it at night... i am curious tho, where would u get the power to run it?

and so you know its not the light that makes your plants flower its the timing of them whenever they get 12 hours of dark and 12 hours of light they will start flowering, the red spectrum just helps.

good luck and please tell me this is a joke, if not GO READ THE GROW FAQ


Well-Known Member
dude, you need to do some more research before asking questions.... apparently you did none.



Well-Known Member
if true to force an outdoor to flower you will have to make like a tent cover her so she gets 12hour dark period everyday, not recomended is to much hassle thats, only way i know to speed outdoor crops and you loose loads of weight


Active Member
lol ive been wanting to post this idea for a while i thought it was hilarious and wanted to see what people would say back 2 me.. i guess thats what happens when your blazed on these forums, glad sum of u thought it was funny lol


Well-Known Member
Putting your plants on the roof of your house is even better than adding CFLs to an outdoor grow. That way, you see, they are closer to the sun. :wink:


Well-Known Member
That guy was totally serious until you guys made fun of him. Let him have his dreams.

Tito, what the fuck? 1000W HPS? If you cared about that plant, and really want to maximize it. You should have at least 3 1000W HPS. However, If you add a couple Metal Halide lamps, it will cut your flowering time in half.



Active Member
ya i was totaly serious.. you dumbass believed me that im gonna put an electrical socket installed into my tree.. hahahahahaha your goulable sleepytown


Active Member
and by the way ativas that shits funny.. ya maybe i need to put them on the roof or else my bottom nugs wont get enough light penetration cause its 2 far from the sun.. lol but maybe my cola will get burnt cause its to close to the sun so ill blow a fan over the canopy to protect it from the sun.. or maybe ill just water it with sunscreen spf 50.


Well-Known Member
I guess I should have been more specific ... when you put your plants on the roof to be closer to the sun, you have to get your neighbours to take turns blowing on the plants to keep them cool.