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  1. G

    Miracle Gro Moisture Control

    ok so should my watering schedule be like for a soil like this? once a week, once every two weeks?
  2. G

    Miracle Gro Moisture Control

    Im using MG moisture control and it feeds plants for up to 3 months and controls under and overwatering. i know weed likes wet/dry periods but with this soil that doesnt really happen. it was 5 days i havent watered my plant and the soil is still a little moist. so should i wait like 2 weeks or...
  3. G

    First time grower whos takin this too serious

    well it may not seem like much but i truly do have everything under control. my parents arent on my shit like that nd im one of the few kids whos actually allowed to smoke in there own house and is given sum trees once in a while from there dad lol and since im gunna buy the AG, itll do a good...
  4. G

    First time grower whos takin this too serious

    ok cool, thanks fer the feedback. i stay up with my plant, turn the lights on at 8 in the morn, and off at 2 in the morn. in the morning the sun shines directly in my room so i take my plant and let it get some this good? giving it a flour light along with natural light? im guessing it...
  5. G

    First time grower whos takin this too serious

    oh ok well once i get the AG and become freindly wit it, ill get the hang of itt. whats a good way to help increase the chances of the plant becoming a female when its growingg? ive heard of interrupting the night cycle with about one hour of light and some other shit but i want to know more...
  6. G

    First time grower whos takin this too serious

    thanks for the reply, im only gunna use these bulbs because there better then the ones they come withh. another question. I kno i cant use the MG nutes for the aerogarden, i gotta get foxfarm or sutinn but i havent found a decent answer on how much of it to use and how often??
  7. G

    First time grower whos takin this too serious

    wuddup everyone, im a new to this growing game now and been researching my ass off about this shitt, so far i have one sprout with the second pair of spiked leaves justttt about to grow in. I bought MG nutes, an HPS bulb, MH bulb, and about to buy the aero garden pro 100. I have a couple...
  8. G

    Things to Know About Lighting

    very informational and helpful. good shitt