First time grower whos takin this too serious


wuddup everyone, im a new to this growing game now and been researching my ass off about this shitt, so far i have one sprout with the second pair of spiked leaves justttt about to grow in. I bought MG nutes, an HPS bulb, MH bulb, and about to buy the aero garden pro 100. I have a couple questionss, where can i find a fixture/ballast for these lights? & Is a 15w flouro (eco lux) good enough for the sprout? Also have in mind that im a sr in highschool and im growin this shit in my closet, im not trying to grow a crop..yet

*i got my seeds from a quarter of reggs so im givin these seeds a shot and gunna baby my plants to try to get good results


Active Member
regs when grown indoors can actually be really good most regs isnt that good because they r grown outdoors and you have no control so they get seeded and mistreated. The same place you got your bulbs should have the ballast also. you wont need then in the aroe garden it comes with its own bulbs


regs when grown indoors can actually be really good most regs isnt that good because they r grown outdoors and you have no control so they get seeded and mistreated. The same place you got your bulbs should have the ballast also. you wont need then in the aroe garden it comes with its own bulbs
thanks for the reply, im only gunna use these bulbs because there better then the ones they come withh. another question. I kno i cant use the MG nutes for the aerogarden, i gotta get foxfarm or sutinn but i havent found a decent answer on how much of it to use and how often??


Well-Known Member
with fox farm grow big or something like that start off with 1/4th strength(1/4th teaspoon) water once or twice wit nutes, then once or twice with clean water. dont water with nutes everytime or your sure to get some problems. but up the nutes from 1/4th to 1/2 to 1/3rd to full strength, up them ever 2 gallons of water you use. or one if there taking to the nutes real good, and dont feed till there atleast 5 weeks old or they will get REAL bad nute burn, almost every soil out there has atleast a few weeks of nutes in it. hope this helps =)


Well-Known Member
alos i foliar feed with fox farm grow big, jus put about 1/4th teaspoon ina spray bottle and mist. i only mist with nutes every 2 or 3 days tho. idk if its a good idea to do it more often


Aerogarden lights not going to be enough so get more lights setup and work out the nutes situation and u be ok.


alos i foliar feed with fox farm grow big, jus put about 1/4th teaspoon ina spray bottle and mist. i only mist with nutes every 2 or 3 days tho. idk if its a good idea to do it more often
oh ok well once i get the AG and become freindly wit it, ill get the hang of itt. whats a good way to help increase the chances of the plant becoming a female when its growingg? ive heard of interrupting the night cycle with about one hour of light and some other shit but i want to know more just so i dnt fuck up and do sutin stupid


Well-Known Member
well sadly its impossible to increase the chances of it being a female. the plants determines weather it will b male or female while it is still a seed on its pollenated mother plant. it can become a hermi after it is sprouted, (female with some male branches) if it is stressed much, witch greatly decreases potentcy and quality of smoke. the only way to increase the chance of not getting a hermaphrodyte is to keep the plant as stress free as possible. dont move them around more then needed, and interupting the nights with an hour of light is almost guarnteed to make it turn hermi, wouldnt u b mad if you were sleeping then all the sudden someone shines bright ass light on you for an hour :P lol


Well-Known Member
IMO interupting the night sounds kinda stupid lol iv never heard that befor, the only thing iv heard about that is that its a NO NO to mess with the light cycles. 18/4 20/4 or 24/0 are best IMO i would start seedlings with a couple hours of night tho so they can get a good root mass, then switch to 24/0 at like 4-6 weeks. idk whatever works best for your situation is whats best


interrupting the night cycle will make your plants herm or turn male.
ok cool, thanks fer the feedback. i stay up with my plant, turn the lights on at 8 in the morn, and off at 2 in the morn. in the morning the sun shines directly in my room so i take my plant and let it get some this good? giving it a flour light along with natural light? im guessing it is..and also, i have some white seeds, are they any good?


Well-Known Member
if ur doing this in ur closet of ur parents house without them knowing ur looking into a life of hardships. Keep in mind ur gonna constaly be bringing things into and out of ur room all the time. I was doing it in my parents house without them knowing for 2 years. Took me forever to fully set up the grow, since i couldnt tell them what i was doing id have to wait for them to be out of the house to do any sort of construction on the box, with those huge lights ur gonna need ventilation,. fans for circulation, carbon scrubber, not to mention all the little things u need for a hydro setup. Ur gonna be bringing a tote of water into ur bedroom everyday just to refill the hydro setup. But with great risks comes great rewards


if ur doing this in ur closet of ur parents house without them knowing ur looking into a life of hardships. Keep in mind ur gonna constaly be bringing things into and out of ur room all the time. I was doing it in my parents house without them knowing for 2 years. Took me forever to fully set up the grow, since i couldnt tell them what i was doing id have to wait for them to be out of the house to do any sort of construction on the box, with those huge lights ur gonna need ventilation,. fans for circulation, carbon scrubber, not to mention all the little things u need for a hydro setup. Ur gonna be bringing a tote of water into ur bedroom everyday just to refill the hydro setup. But with great risks comes great rewards
well it may not seem like much but i truly do have everything under control. my parents arent on my shit like that nd im one of the few kids whos actually allowed to smoke in there own house and is given sum trees once in a while from there dad lol and since im gunna buy the AG, itll do a good majority of the work for me


Well-Known Member
well it may not seem like much but i truly do have everything under control. my parents arent on my shit like that nd im one of the few kids whos actually allowed to smoke in there own house and is given sum trees once in a while from there dad lol and since im gunna buy the AG, itll do a good majority of the work for me
=) same here bro, been smokin wit ma parents since 7th grade. who do u think funded most of my grow ;) hahaha ima pay him bak tho if ya feel me lol

but yea, just add plants slowly ya kno, dont plant six at once and get urself overwelmed or something and you'll b good. and dont run up moms electricity bill to bad hahaha