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  1. awing

    Too Tall?

    hello.. is this thing on? should I just cut of about a foot of the plant?
  2. awing

    Too Tall?

    I have a clone that the light was to far away from, It has caused the plant to really stretch. Now that it is in my flowering area, it has reached the top of it. Should I cut it down? What do I do, the top of the plant is higher then the light and rapidly growing towards my exhaust fan. The...
  3. awing

    All of a sudden spots appeared

    fed them about three days ago, I will do a more conservative feed next round. If more develops over a time I will supplement some cal-mag to the mix, thanks for the heads up.
  4. awing

    All of a sudden spots appeared

    Soil Grow, Happy Frog soil. PH levels all in range, under 24 hr light. Really haven't seen this one before. Here's a pic, This happened in the last 24 hours
  5. awing

    Armed with scissor and impatientience

    So you are saying as it starts to change from clear to cloudy to amber is when I should harvest?
  6. awing

    Armed with scissor and impatientience

    Is that just a normal fan? which way is the airflow? Great Idea I may do that. Plant is about 4 feet high, I could cut some sections off of it, but to be honest I'm pressed to get the next batch into the cabinet I built. I could probably make it to Friday before I cut, Any ways to speed up the...
  7. awing

    Armed with scissor and impatientience

    It's been a little over three weeks now, Not sure I can wait any longer. Here's the newest pics for you! Also... When I put them in a cardboard box, can you put in silica gel or damp-rid to assist or is it better to go slow and steady?
  8. awing

    Armed with scissor and impatientience

    Three weeks :-( makes me sad, but also lets me learn more as well. I think I'll wait a bit longer, Should I cut back to just water now or a reduced bloom mix?
  9. awing

    Armed with scissor and impatientience

    It seems to be getting closer to harvest time. Its bagseed and I have no idea what strain it is. I took my loop and used my cell phone to take these pics. take a look and tell me if I'm ready to go. Thanks for answering yet another n00bs questions
  10. awing

    Can't seem to beat this issue, noob desperate for help

    As an FYI for future readers, This indeed was a phosphorus deficiency, I added some 0-10-10 mix at about 200ppm in a foliar fashion about 3 hours before the lights kicked on and increased fan speed to help absorb and dry. 1 hour before lights went on I misted the leaves again with plain RO...
  11. awing

    Can't seem to beat this issue, noob desperate for help

    The thought I had was a light misting on the leaves before the lights kick back in would allow the leaves to soak up the PK to prevent further damage. About an hour before the lights go back in I'll lightly mist the leaves again with plain water to prevent burn. I also cranked up the...
  12. awing

    Can't seem to beat this issue, noob desperate for help

    I just watered last night, but was think of doing some supplemental foliar feeding today just to be safe. I am at the end of week 1 for flowering, and plan to move to 500ppm by end of week 2, 750 w3, 1000w4, etc on that same scale.
  13. awing

    Can't seem to beat this issue, noob desperate for help

    I looked in the trouble shooting guide/posts and that was one of my guesses, but it didn't say how to resolve it??
  14. awing

    Can't seem to beat this issue, noob desperate for help

    Flora Nova Grow and Bloom for the different phases. My water starts off at 15ppm and I add until it hits 225-250ppm with the nutes. I can't believe I forgot to add that I was trying to be so thorough.
  15. awing

    Can't seem to beat this issue, noob desperate for help

    Here is my setup, hopefully i remembered everything. Cabinet: 4'H X 3'W X 2'D Lights: It is a CFL (75W, 28W,28W,28W,28W). All on a 12/12 cycle Airflow: I have a 4" passive air intake, with a 4" output and a 135CFM fan.There is an 8" fan inside that blows directly on the plant...
  16. awing

    Though pattern verification

    bump? any one help/verify?
  17. awing

    Though pattern verification

    A few things I want to run by the mentors: 1. I had slow plant growth ( 25 days and about 4 inches) under my current system. It seems as though my water may have been quite hard (220ppm). I recently switched to distilled water (14ppm) and my plant has shot to about 9 inches in the last 6...
  18. awing

    Problem Identification needed

    I ended up flushing the plant, the water I was feeding it was at 6.7-7.0 but had a 220ppm in it. I flushed it with RO water which was at 6.7 and 14ppm. I think on top of the foliar feeding that burned the leaves there was a salt build up. I'll have to wait and see if stuff bounces but for now...
  19. awing

    Problem Identification needed

    Each individual leaf or the leave (5) as a whole? +Rep btw thanks for the fast response
  20. awing

    Problem Identification needed

    vermi = Vermiculite? Should I trim those leaves that are most damaged? I think its probably that when i used the nutes i sprayed the leaves with it. Should you ever spray the leaves with water or nutes?