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  1. D

    101 Already Asked Questions

    FYI, alot of the links are broken
  2. D

    1st grow, very very LOW BUDGET

    OK so, soil has been changed to good ole black soil, also one question... I took my heat bulb out and put in a CFL, the whole box got cold as hell and the leaves curled up somewhat, is this from the lack of heat all of a sudden, or is it an over watering issue.
  3. D

    1st grow, very very LOW BUDGET

    Thanks guys, I just added a 30w CFL to the mix, should be better than the old skool flouro's, about the sphagum moss, its more of a 30/50 mix I went and checked my notes, just an idea here, If I was to take one of my pots that has the MG and sphagum, no plant, and run a shit load of water thru...
  4. D

    1st grow, very very LOW BUDGET

    So is there anyway to pull this plant out of its stooper, and get it growing on schedule?
  5. D

    1st grow, very very LOW BUDGET

    the foil isnt much of a worry right now as the flourecents are about 3 in from the pot all light goes directly south to the plant and the only real thing the foil is helping with at this point is keeping the cold walls of the closet from absorbing all of the heat, the foil is basically to...
  6. D

    1st grow, very very LOW BUDGET

    yeah I learned real fast not to mist it with miracle gro, killed 10 babies in a day, Absolutely subtlechaos, the water I use is regular tap water that has been set out for a few days to let any chemicals evaporate out of the tap water, am I correct in doing so?
  7. D

    1st grow, very very LOW BUDGET

    problem is... money is tight, you think it would be possible to filter all of the little miracle grow beads out of the existing soil and be good? Also, Ive known I shouldnt have used this stuff a day after I did it, so Ive mainly been watering the plant via misting it with a spray bottle, which...
  8. D

    1st grow, very very LOW BUDGET

    Hey all, DD here, Ive been reading your forums for a while, probably should have before I planted, anyway, heres 2 pics of my baby.... they are in a closet about 3feet tall by 2feet wide, foil on the walls, 2 18" flourecents about 3-4in from top of plant one is a WARM light and one is a FULL...