1st grow, very very LOW BUDGET


Well-Known Member
and i agree wit u if sumthin aint werkin for ya then try sumthin else. but reason why i said that is cux i c so many posts wit ppl sayin how they shoodnt have used mg soil now it killed ther plants and in reality its the growers that did sumthin for the plants to b how they are. like riddleme sayed in his other thread git a grow under ur belt and u will know much more insted of bitchin and complaining bout mg soil killin the plants wen in fact its the growers mistake
well im not bitching or complaining, im just trying to help out a fellow grower :)


Well-Known Member
i think your prob with the miracle grow is the size of pot and the amount of water your using for those plants.. for future reference you shouldent start your new plants off in such big pots when using time release nutes like in miracle grow, with big pots comes more time release nutes and u have to also water more so more nutes are released into the soil.. your plant is very fragile at its first stages of growth it needs to develope a strong root system another good reason to use smaller pots.. instead of pots u can use cups.. and dont water everyday.. wait 2-3 days from the time u water.. time it to the exact minute if u have to lol.. miacle grow aint all that bad u just gotta know how to use it be smart.. think smart


Well-Known Member
Also, Might wanna put a small fan next to that plant. It will give it some strength, and maybe use up some of that fertilizer. Very Low setting of course. And keep the light near the top. But not too close. Moderation works. Best of luck to ya! :blsmoke:


Thanks guys, I just added a 30w CFL to the mix, should be better than the old skool flouro's, about the sphagum moss, its more of a 30/50 mix I went and checked my notes, just an idea here, If I was to take one of my pots that has the MG and sphagum, no plant, and run a shit load of water thru the soil, let it dry, do it again, maybe most of the nutes will be washed away? This is all of course to save $3 on a bag of regular soil, I know Im not going to get anything worth while as far as budds are concerned, just trying to lear the ropes with this one, the best I'm hoping for is a seed plant... Thanks for all the advice so far guys!


Well-Known Member
flushing water through it might work if u can test the soil PH and make sure its around livable condition, iv never tried that so im not sayn itll for sure cuz im not real sure lol and as for getting a plant for seeds you would need male and female, im pretty sure if you plant hermi seeds most of em will end up male.


OK so, soil has been changed to good ole black soil, also one question... I took my heat bulb out and put in a CFL, the whole box got cold as hell and the leaves curled up somewhat, is this from the lack of heat all of a sudden, or is it an over watering issue.