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    SHROOM growing Q

    iv seen those bags you can put the spores in. those are awsome it doesnt get much easier than that to bad u cant do it with pot
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    Welcome New Members!

    hey just joined a few days ago iv never grown before just seen a few and im interested in starting one up but i dont realy have anyplace to do it so i figured id try to find out as much as possible before i did get the space that way im prepared for it
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    A Case Full Of Glass

    can u post pix of the 3rds and how much do u want for them
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    Up to date bud prices thread:Jan 2010

    i live right on the coast of SC and iv never been able do find decent stuff a a good price. i normally get an o of mids for anywere from 85 to 120 but its always questionable quality god i hate this state
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    Calif. Judge Orders Police To Return 60 Pounds Of Marijuana

    thats flipin awsome wish stuff was like that here in the south east the busted a friend of mine with seeds and stems that weighed out to be less than a gram and suspended his lisence for it
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    Top 50 Crazy laws

    i cant remember wat state this law is in but its illeagal to ride down the road in a pickup truck with a donkey in a bathtub in the bed of the truck
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    Hair Follicle Drug Test... HELP!!!

    dude just shave it all its better to play it safe cuz i tried doin it that way and it didnt work for me
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    Top 50 Crazy laws

    that one about beating ur wife on the courthouse steps in south carolina is true only if wat ur beating her with something no wider then ur thumb is cuz i didnt beleive that one till i went to court for a speeding ticket and asked a cop cuz
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    Blunts, I'll be Damned!

    i love a good blut i like either a peach or a i bum one of the good ones off my grandfather he smokes the realy expensive ones so i only do it once ina while but dam is it good
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    East Coast Glass?

    i live in the south east and iv never found a quality local peice anywere the only place i know were to get a halfassedly decent one at a price that i cud afford when i made that much was at a beer and tabacco outlet cuz all the ones around here that are local are all at the cheapest like 50 or more