Welcome New Members!


Hey guys, just about to start my first lot and looking around at the stickies first to get some ideas. I'm hoping to just put them in soil and see what happens, with a light obviously. Not looking for anything big, just personal stuff. Any really good threads I may have missed that will be helpful?

I am sure this has been asked before, but during growth do the plants start to smell like weed? If so, what can you do to cover up the smell?


hello everyone, not only am i new here but i am new to growing. completely new so i am trying to learn as much as i can, i know nothing about growing, only smoking. I am really only interested in growing for my own personal stash, nothing huge, and not for buisness. just for me. help please, also i will be using the outdoors to do so. where in the heck do i even start? it seems like so much, i have no clue where to start lol. someone take me under their wing please lol. thanx

high c

What up everyone - north east USA here - looking forward to learning a lot (already have been) from the forum + threads. Good to feel welcome :bigjoint:
hello all i meant to join as formless warrior but typo lol, seems to be an allright handel tho so i may as well keep it, anyway i live in san diego and am looking for some tga strains , besides querkle, which is in ebvery dispens, i am willing to trade some seeds if you r in san diego, i will trade you some querkle x supreme sour disel, if youd like or some other strains , i got pure kush crossed with ssd and romulan and others need jack the ripper plese HELP, if you have jack the cleaner jack the ripper any thing tga besides querkle let me know please!!!! thank you so much cutting or seeds dont care


Active Member
hellloooo WARRIORS of the earth!!!

new here...been checking out what i can for a while now. out of all the sites that pertain to the subject of being the best grower possible, this community here has been proven worthwhile. so i finally signed up. this is and will be the only one i sign for because this is not something looked upon as a good thing where i live. I'm on my 3rd grow in a closet using an ebb n gro system. i love doing what i do and wouldn't trade it even to get out of anything...i'm dedicated and loyal and plan on doing this until i have children. i do not do this for cash or any income other than the wealth of sharing with friends and people i see fit to deserve. i do it because i love to see something beautiful grow from start to finish. i am learning a lot about life and myself by doing this...and its really sweet to have lots of nugzz :) so i will start posting and finding out more...but first i'm going to keep on reading on how to do this right as to not get into any troubles...wish me luck and thanks!


hiii errrrbody. new to the site. been filling my head with knowledge for the past few months, so i figured i'd sign up. broke ass student right now, but when im done im sure to get a couple little ones going. definately a quality site

Tyler Durden 77

Active Member
Hello.... been sponging off this site for 2 months now! already into flowering my first grow. sURPRISED HOW KNOWLEGABLE PEEPS R? very freindly site. cant say i have ques cuz all u have to do is read about everyone else..... thanks for the help though

ello moto

hey just joined a few days ago iv never grown before just seen a few and im interested in starting one up but i dont realy have anyplace to do it so i figured id try to find out as much as possible before i did get the space that way im prepared for it
hi, i know a little bit about growin, i am goin to do a little grow myself in a tent but would like to know how i can get the most out of my plants, e.g big buds and earn more money??? thanks for yr time

essex boy


What's up everyone. Just wanted to say "hello" as I just got my MMJ card in CO and am looking to start a little grow opp. Love the site and great info that I have seen so far. I look forward to learning from you master growers out there.
Same here, though.

Jus got mine in Oakland, CA, but live in the Central Valley. It's good to legally obtain meds.

I'm kinda worried about puttin clones in the ground, but will take the plunge regardless.

Thinkin on e-13 and white widow.

mr magoo

help me out plz i am a first time grower in scotland and need information on whats the best way to get started up i am using a 6ft by 3 ft wide 8 ft tall walk in wardrobe. what would be the best set up seed etc etc any help would be very much appreciated :leaf:


whats up people! just wanted to introduce my self to the forum. I'm here to get knowledge on my first GROW, i will be reading most of everything. Then i will post my own grow log So i can receive tips & help.


Well-Known Member
Abundant amount of information! I was turned on to this site by a fellow grower quite sometime ago. I figured I should say thank you to all the people who have shared there knowledge with me. So Thank You!


Active Member
Well, I missed this sticky but I will introduce myself now. I'm just a newbie looking to learn how to grow big bushy beautiful plants. I have decided on the DWC method as I really like the simplicity and cheap costs of setting it up. Hopefully within a few weeks I'll be able to get started! Look forward to learning more from you all.
i would like to know if anyone could give me some advice on making a good grow room me and my friend are trying to start growing in his attick please give me some advice if anyone wants details about the attick to help me out i will post it just please help me out
Sup, Lookin foward to good reads and new peeps. Interested in learning, looking for nice stealth grow cabs or dresser designs. If anyone is interested in helpin a newbie it be much appreciated.Oh yeah and a big thankx to 1 and all...........WONAYTOG420.........(just send a message)


whats up everyonemim new here i dont really know how this works yet but i was wondering what are some good things do do if my seedlings arent staying short and stocky they keep growing tall which i dont like :wall:


hey im new and i have a question how do i keep my plants short and stocky cuz they keep growing tall and skinny i am giving them big bloom suppliment and keeping the light 2 inches away from them with that reflective paper all around them what should i do