Search results

  1. Krondoland21

    Volcano poo into hash oil? Best method

    I took that into account so now i change it after it has been vaped twice. It still looks pretty green. I have accumulated roughly 2lbs of the "poo" and I am now deciding what to do with it. Suggestions please. I generally prefer smoking to baked goods but all suggestions are encouraged. I...
  2. Krondoland21

    help maximizing yield

    Im Going nutrient shopping tomorrow. Any suggestions on nutrient formulas that work best for auto-flowering plants. Also Root Roid; is it any good?
  3. Krondoland21

    help maximizing yield

    I am working with very limited space roughly 1ft by 3ft deep and 5ft tall. A custom built box,with a 250 wt hps with a hyrdro setup. My last grow was 3 plants and yielded roughly an ounce total. I was wondering if there were anyways to increase my yield. Ie; strain change more less plants...
  4. Krondoland21

    Volcano poo into hash oil? Best method

    I was told by a friend that you can make hash oil out of volcano poo using a stainless steele turkey baster and butane. Is this a good method or are the better.