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  1. Mystic

    Is There An Afterlife?

    I'm the FNG, here, so my opinion means naught... ...but why is it important to end a thread that others are enjoying? If it's not your cup of tea, why not just ignore? Follow Your Bliss, Ben
  2. Mystic

    Is There An Afterlife?

    Yikes. Guess I haven't lost my knack of killing a perfectly thriving thread...:shock:
  3. Mystic

    Is There An Afterlife?

    This 26 minute video will explain what the brother is saying: Follow Your Bliss, Ben
  4. Mystic

    Is There An Afterlife?

    Midnight Cowboy author, James Leo Herlihy,once had a house in Key West. The peep-hole in the front door was covered with a leather strap, on which Herlihy had written the following: "God is at the door. Let's see which face he's wearing today." I really liked that. I feel we are ONE. We just...
  5. Mystic


    This is a very common occurence between Cannabis and her people. Yes, indeed there is a connection. Follow Your Bliss.
  6. Mystic

    Tai Chi, Meditation And Green

    I use a cane for walking. It's not "wrong". I use Cannabis and other entheogens during meditation and spiritual exercise. It's not "wrong." :lol: Follow Your Bliss.
  7. Mystic

    If i don't like war and killing and yet I attack people

    I like the way you said that. "Be the change you seek." ~ Ghandi ~ Follow Your Bliss,
  8. Mystic

    Meditation and higher level of conciousness

    Higher Consciousness is certainly at the top of my "faves" list. :)
  9. Mystic

    Is There An Afterlife?

    I was quite surprised at the last two minutes, or so. I'd not anticipated whatever particular religious leanings the film-maker had. Just goes to show that "Paradigm Shift" is occuring everywhere, in all walks of life. Follow Your Bliss.
  10. Mystic

    The SHIFT is happening...

    Shift Happens! :) I'm quite fascinated by all of this. For the past decade, at least, there's been a Global Conversation going on, via the internet, about this very thing. It's occuring in all walks of life, involving millions of people -- and growing all the time. This is no time for doom...
  11. Mystic

    The Holographic Universe

    I'm new, here, but I can tell from this thead I'm gonna like it just fine. Follow Your Bliss