Meditation and higher level of conciousness


Well-Known Member
You have started a thread.. and all it says, is that you will be continuing it later...

so it is a continuation of nothing???


very deep... :)


That is deep. I meditated on that thought for a while. There is more in this thread then I can begin to describe. Read a book a while back called unordinary states of consciousness. Very interesting read. check it out.

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
I'm sorry i did start to write on this thread and deleted it just to say that i will continue what first started. I'm no expert on on meditation but I can tell you about my experiences.


I regular meditate it is a way for me to cleanse my soul and spirit. Meditation is used widely different religions and cultures have there own meditation methods. Many believe that meditation gets u closer to your inner self.

What I do is I will smoke plenty of weed get my self in a comfortable position. This can be done laying or sitting down I have not tried standing and dont think it would work. Once I am comfortable I will close my eyes and try to clear my mind of all thoughts. Everything in this world I will clear my mind from. Stress, worries any thoughts that I may have will be kept out of my mind. I then will keep my body perfectly still not moving any part of my body at all. That is why it is really important to get comfortable laying on a bed works best. But I find sitting can be just as effective. So now the only part of my body is that is moving is my breathing. This is automatic and I'm not controlling my breathing my body is. Once I clear all thoughts from my mind and my body is completely still. The meditation process is started I get different experiences each time. I get the feeling of unity and peace I sometimes go in to trances. I have had an out of the body experience whilst meditating. I went into a deep trance and the only way to explain it. Would be that I felt pressure build up in my head. The pressure built up so much that I could feel it leave my body. I could feel this pressure as part of me. I could feel around me, me being out of my body. It felt as if my soul left my body I could feel myself on the ceiling as I was rising out of my body. My body still in a trance me perfectly still my mind totally cleared of all thoughts. Then it felt as if my soul returned to its body slowly I felt as if I slowly lowered from the ceiling back to my body. This was the one of the best experiences I have ever had and have, I've never had it again. I have had the pressure build up in my head but never has it left my body. When I meditate I try to keep my mind as clear as possible and let my spirit/soul wander. When I meditate it can last up to 6 hrs if I'm not disturbed at all. This is my experience with meditation and it works for me.

Higher Level of Consciousness

I believe that smoking weed brings out a higher level of consciousness.For me when I smoke weed brings me a connection with earth and people. It brings out more of my creative side. I write songs and poems and feel as if it connects me to an unknown force. Below I will write you a few lines from one of my songs called Too Much Trouble I wrote it as a reggae song and it just came to me.

Too much troubl and pain in the world I say.
But if we work together we can make it a better way.

We dont need to fuss and fight
With love and happiness we can unite

We dont need material things
Nothing can touch what joy can bring

I wrote this when I was smoking some seriously strong weed. I felt it brought me to a higher level of consciousness. It brings out my creative side and makes me aware of the wickedness that man does. It helps me when I produce music I hear what I want to recreate. Then will record it down, to me I don't need weed in life. But without it so much that I enjoy and my talents would be wasted. I write songs poems, I produce music and paint abstract pictures. My best work has always been produced whilst smoking weed. Most artists use weed or other drugs to help them in their creative state. Take Jimmy Hendrix for example if he wasnt high his music wouldnt be as good, the same for most artists. However I will say that I dont need weed to be creative I just am. But without it, it wouldnt be as good. So thats my experience and opinion with Higher level of conciousness.

It also allows my mind to get deeper in thought this is the higher level of conciousness. When my mind can think on a higher different level will think in an advanced way. It's hard to find the right words hope you understand what I'm trying to say. Smoking weed puts me in this state lets me think in this higher way of conciousness. Concious means to be awake to be fully aware of your surroundings. Being at a higher level of conciousness awakens your mind to more things around you. To see what you wouldn't normally see at a normal state to think a feel what u wouldn't.



Well-Known Member
I like to write music whilst i am stoned,this is how i meditate,i hear nothing else and i think of nothing else till i am finished:leaf:


Well-Known Member
you should focus on your breathing though, thats what brings about your internal energy. Iv wrote a couple posts on a couple threads regarding meditation if anybody is interested. Swish