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  1. E

    What's the problem with these leaves?

    looks like Mg deficiency
  2. E

    Favorite Nutes

    get yourself a good compost tea recipe and grow the best!! and save money! better yet, let me give you a good one to start with: place the following in the bag: 8 cups worm castings 8 cups alaskan humus shake these well then add following 8 cups ground oats 4 cups high phos guano 2 cups...
  3. E

    Worried Noob, Seeking Advice 2 Weeks into First Grow

    The leaf curlage most likely has to do with the heat issue, but you now have that resolveD! happy growing
  4. E

    transplant at 17 days?????

    i say feed them some compost tea, wait a couple days and FLoower them babes!
  5. E

    Yet another water question from a noob. Please help

    When using FFOF, you should water with plain water the first two times. then start adding nutes. It is best to water when the soil is dry (not when your plants are wilting). In most cirumstances, this is about every three days. (water, no water, no water, water, etc...)